Recent Updates with user "Starym"

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Fated Jailer Defeated by 5-man Heroic and 3-man Normal Mode Groups

We are pleased to announce another slew of Dragonflight pre-patch achievements! The Fated Jailer was defeated on Normal difficulty by a 3-man group on October 29th, and Heroic difficulty by a 5-man group on November 6th. How did these crews of seasoned PvE soloists band together to accomplish this? Read on to learn more.

World First Pre-Patch Solo Kill: Vennbrew Defeats Rygelon

Today, we announce a pre-patch solo content accomplishment! In a 5-hour kill pull, Vennbrew single-handedly defeated Normal Rygelon after months of planning and practicing. Want to know how he did it? Click here to learn more!

RWF Changes in Dragonflight: Top Contenders Weigh in

With Dragonflight ushering in several changes towards raiding, top contenders in the RWF of Vault of the Incarnates from Echo, Method, Liquid, BDGG, Aversion, and Soniqs Imperative share their thoughts on the upcoming RWF.

World of Warcraft 10.0: Dragonflight Announced

Today, the new WoW expansion was revealed: Dragonflight! Here is a quick recap of everything we know so far.

Post RWF Interview: Echo

The Sepulcher of the First Ones was the longest RWF in modern history. It was a three-week-long race that saw many guilds get exhausted, take breaks, and switch to only evening raids. Today, we chat with the back-to-back World Champions, Echo, to find the answers to many of our questions. Curious what they thought of this RWF? Read on!

The Rising Gold Cost of Entry into the RWF

With tier set bonuses being so crucial to the RWF of Sepulcher of the First Ones, many top guilds have been offering increasingly obscene amounts of gold to outside helpers in order to obtain competitive gear through their split raids. Today, we chat with Penkek from SK Pieces about the "cost of entry" into the RWF, gold management, solutions for bringing prices in future tiers, and more!

Cross-Faction Instances: Endgame Implications

One of the hottest topics throughout the ages is finally becoming a reality in Patch 9.2.5: Cross-faction Instances! Today, we’ll be taking a look at some implications of this new feature in endgame content and why it is likely to be a huge gamechanger.

An Inside Look: Encrypted - Patch 9.2 Seasonal Affix (PTR)

This week marked the moment that Mythic+ enthusiasts have all been waiting for: Encrypted, the new Mythic+ affix of Season 3 was announced and added to the PTR for testing! Today, we’ll be analyzing everything we know about Encrypted in its current iteration. Read on for our inside look!

Mythic "Minus" - Mulini's Solo Journey

Today, we chat with a massively impressive Mythic+ soloer, Mulini, who takes us through his process and some of the crazy runs he's done (including some +20-25 solo keys)!

Going in Blind: Raid Bosses and the PTR

As we eagerly wait for Patch 9.2 to hit the PTR, there has been a lot of buzz circulating among the community: Will Blizzard refrain from publicly testing the last several bosses for the Sepulcher of the First Ones prior to the raid release? Today, we weigh in on this concept by discussing the pros and cons of "Going in Blind"!

Old Raids, New Challenges

With rising interaction between players and developers at large, it is prime time to discuss our latest take: Bring back some of WoW's most amazing old raids as new, CURRENT content. Want to know how we envision an ICC remake that is thematic, lore-appropriate, challenging, and timely? What about a modern-day Nighthold? Read on!

Legion Timewalking: Which Raid Would We Want?

With Patch 9.1.5 ushering a special batch of Legion Timewalking content, we can't help but ask...if Blizzard were to implement a Legion Timewalking Raid, which one should it be? Are Timewalking events a time to bring back our favorite raids, or are they an opportunity to redeem and improve some of the less popular instances that hold great potential? Let's take an inside look!

Complexity Limit Post-RWF Interview

After a remarkably close Race to World First (RWF) in Sanctum of Domination, where only 0.4% separated first and second place, we chatted with silver medalists Siory, Eric, and Goop of Complexity-Limit about their experience and key takeaways. Despite the outcome, Complexity-Limit is determined to take back the world first title next tier.

Echo Post-RWF Interview

The recent Race to World First (RWF) of Sanctum Domination was one of the most exciting races of all time. We are happy to present our exclusive interview with world champions Scripe, Rogerbrown, Nnoggie, and Fleks of Echo. Here you'll find discussions ranging from the race events and fan hype/interaction, differences and/or advantages between the two top guilds, best and worst mechanics of the raid, sleep issues on that final day, and much more!

Survival Hunter Solos +15 Tyrannical General Kaal

A Survival Hunter solos the final boss of the Sanguine Depths.

RWF Guild Spotlight: FatSharkYes

With the popularity of the Race to World First (RWF) exploding in the past few years, FatSharkYes (FSY) has continued to stand out among their competition. FSY has managed to push competitive world ranks with talented players at entirely their own pace and remain in a category of their own. In this exclusive interview with Tusn, FSY founder and Guild Master, learn more about FSY's culture and the secrets to their success.

The Ultimate Raid Tier List

Want to know how some of the top players rank their favorite raids of all time? Check out our Ultimate Raid Tier List and player commentary to find out!

An Inside Look: Shadowlands Game Systems and the RWF

Today, we kick off our Race to World First (RWF) "Hype Week" by discussing the effects and implications of the Patch 9.1 game systems on the race for Sanctum of Domination.

Mythic+ in Patch 9.1: Chains of Domination Highlights

We take a look at everything that's coming to Mythic+ in Patch 9.1.

Impressive Mythic+ Runs Towards the End of Season 1

We take a look at a few exceptional and unusual Mythic+ clears, from a +29 and on the TR, a +21 without a healer and two mono-DPS-spec, no healer OR tank runs!

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