Vault of the Incarnates R•W•F Global Coverage

Refreshing now...
Jan 16 2023 08:04 UTC(109 weeks ago)
The top 20 is complete (and then some), as 26 guilds have now finished up the Vault of the Incarnates and gotten Raszageth Mythic down! Let's take one final look at the 20 best guilds in the first Race to World First of Dragonflight. This will be the final update for this edition of the RWF, as we look forward to seeing just who gets the rest of those Proto Dragons down first in patch 10.1!

Jan 11 2023 19:36 UTC(109 weeks ago)
15 guilds have now finished up the Mythic Vault and taken down Raszageth, as Exposed, Honestly and Conspiracy reach that 8/8 mark and finish the race!
Jan 7 2023 19:07 UTC(110 weeks ago)
Two more Asian guilds have cross the finish line and taken down Raszageth, as spot number 11 goes to Korean guild Mate, while 12 belongs to Chinese guild 火锅英雄. 6 more guilds are past that first intermission mark and hovering around 50%, and we'll check back when there's even less storm being eaten.
Jan 5 2023 19:10 UTC(110 weeks ago)
We have a World 9th and 10th, as both KeaHoarl and FatSharkYes bring down Raszageth today! This means we finally have a Top10, almost an entire 2 full weeks after Echo claimed the World First kill. Congratulations to both guilds, and best of luck to all the others who are still progressing on the fight.
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