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About Mdistrats

What 😦 I 👥 love 😻 about 🤔 Twitch is I 🙋 just 😤😤 get 🍒 to be 🧐 myself, 😫 I 👁️ do ✍️🙏 get 🉐 be 👹 myself. 💀 I 🙋‍♂️😏 get 😩 to be 😒 a very 👌 very 😫 different 🚿🛀🧖🏼‍♀️🙆🏼‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️💅 part 💔 of myself. 😫 It’s really 💯 interesting 🤔 when 😀 people 👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👩‍👩‍👧👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 come 🌽 into 🚪 chat, and they 💁 accuse me 💖 of being 😑🙄 fake. ✨ I 😀 don’t ❌ disagree 😓😡 with you, 👈 I 😎 don’t 🚫👎 know 🤔 who 👿 my 😊😊 authentic self 😎 is on 😱 stream yet. ❗❗ Every 😠 single 🕴️ day 🌞 that 👊👉 I 👁️ come 🚶‍♀️🏃‍♀️ on 🔛 here 👉 I 👑 discover new 👌🎉🤤 things 🤔 about 🏫 myself 💀 that 😐 I’m 👱 willing to share 📷 with you, 😊 and new 🥝🥝 things 🕑 about 😍 myself 🎊 that ➡️ feel 😩 important 😍 to share 🌐 with you, 😊 and, and I 😊 love ❤ sharing them ➡️😇 with you, 🕺 you 👈 guys. 🧒👦🧑 I 🙋 really 😕 really 👀👀 do. 😠 I 🙋 surprise 🤭 myself 🌝😫 and I 😎 surprise 🙈🤪 you. 🤖 I 🔉 had 💯 another 🔄 streamer 🎏 recently 🕛 say 💭 that 🤐 I 👦 surprise 😱 them 😘 as well. 👥👩 And discovering that 😩 I 😀😀😀 have 🙋 the ability to surprise 🤨 even 🌃 old 👴 pros 🎃 at this game, 🃏 really 🚺 really 😍😍 makes 🌽💘 me 👧 feel 😁🏼 like 🐌 I 😊 am 💨 where 👏❓🗺️ I’m 🥺 supposed 👏 to be. 🐝 Ehe, wishlistdestroyer: “ur 😏😏 not 🥰 fake ✨ ur 😨 just 💁 crazy”! 🤪 Yes! 👍🏻 of course 🐴 I’m 🌟 crazy! 😵😝 I’m 💯🦆 crazy 🤪 in 😈 love, 💐 I’m 👒 crazy 😝😳 happy, 😄 I’m 💘 CRAZY 🤪 high 🕛 on 🔛 life. 🧬 I 😀 really 🌡️ really 😕 liked 👍🏻 being 😑😑 where ⬇️ I 👀😂 am, ⌚ I 😊 like 💅 the people 💁 that 🤔🚟 I’m 👏🏻 with, and I 😓 have 🈶 felt 😎😰😰😎 this way 🤚 for 😏👨 my 😊😊 entire 🇺🇸 life. 🧬 When 🕛 it was in 😭 high 🕛 school, 🏫 when 💕 it was in 4️⃣ elementary school, 🏤 when 🤔 it was in 🏽👏 University, when 👆🕙⏰ it was in 🚪🏼 College. When ⏰ I 😐👌👈 worked 🏢 at summer 🗿 camp, when 💘 I 👈 worked 🏢 at the hot 🔥 dog 🐶 factory, 👨‍🏭 when 🤷 I 👹 worked 🏢 for 😼 <unintelligible>, or when ⏰ I 👙 worked 🏢 as a Disney Princess. 👸 When ⌚ I’m 👌 on 🧐 twitch, I 😵 find 🔎 people 👫 that 🚔👼🚟 I 💕🤞 love, 💝 I 😀 find 🔎 people 👶 that 😔😐 I 👁️ like 💖 and I 💃 keep 🤞 them 🧍‍♀️ close 👂 to me. 👧 The people 👨 who 🤷 come 🌚👽❤️ back 🔙 each 👏👋 and every 💯🔞 day 🕑 are the people 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 that 🥰😇✨ I ❌ want 😋 to see 👀 each 👏👏 and every 💯🤬 day. 🥰✨💕 And the haters 📷📷📷📷📷📷 can 😷 come 💃 every 💯 day 🙋🏼‍♀️✊ if they 💁 want 👏 to, and I’ll 📷 be 👌😳 happy 😄 to see 👀 you 👱💖🙌 too. 😱 Because 💁 at least ❗ you’re 🤐 showing me 👀 that 😔😐 I’m 😳 important 🔝 to you 👈🏼 with your 👉 consistency. And if I 🙀 can ❓😬 be 💎👼 nothing 😼 else, 🖤 it is consistent! Because 💁 I 👩🏻 will 👃 come 💃 back ⬅️ each 👏 and every 🌺 day 🎊 and I 😊 will 👀 give 🎁 you 👈 new 🌟 reasons 🌟 to hate 😈 me, 👈 and I 😊 will 🖤 give 🎁 you 👈🏽 new 🎉 reasons 🌟 to love ❤ me. 🍃 Because 🙆🏽 that’s 🏩 what 😦 you 👉 deserve 👌 and that’s 😏😐 what 😧 I 🤫 deserve. 👌 I 😀 want 😭🙏 to see 👀 how 🤷 far 💶 I 😍 can 🥫 go, 😶 I 👥 want 🤬 to see 👀 what 🤔 I 👥 can 🧠 do 👂 on 🔛 this platform. 😡😡😡 I 👥 want 🤲🤲 to see 👀 how 👏 far 🌌 the blanket 💤 fort can 🤦‍♂️ expand. I 😀 want 🤲🤲 to understand 🤔 the best 👍💯 parts 👋🤚 of myself. 🙋 And I’m 😳🥴 not 🧐🤭 saying 🦄 that 👉 I’m ❗ gonna 💬👋 find 👀 them 😋 on 🍍 Twitch. But 💅🏻 I 🙈🙈🙈😊😊😊 think 🤔🤔🤔 that 😚💶🚅 I 😀 can 👁️ find 🧐 the best 🏆 parts 👋🤚 of myself. 🙋 If I 😊 keep 😣 going, 🥥 and I 👏 keep 🌵 saying 🤢 yes, 👍 and I 😐 discover the parts 👋🤚 inside 💠 of me 🚨 that 💖 I 😊😊😊 have 👏😏 been 📷 too 🍡 afraid, 😬😩🥺🌈🤎🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 too ♿ ashamed 😳 of, too 😭😍 apologetic! Do ⁉️ you 😫 realize 🤔 how 💯🤔 many 💯 times 💫 I 🙅 wanna 💀 send 🧼🎉 a boy 👉 a picture 🖼 of my 😊 fully 🌝 exposed vulva, and the first 👆 instinct is first 🌓 to apologize for 👏🎁 even 🌃 messaging him 😆😜 in 👇 the first 🌓 place? 🏆 I 📍 want 😌 to say 🤺 I’m 🤔 sorry 😲 that 💯😐 I’m 😳 bothering you, 👈 I’m 👈 sorry 🥲 that 💬 I’m 😂👌 messaging you, 🤪🚘 I’m 😂👌🏼 sorry 😔 that 😐 I’m 🤩 texting you, 😎👉 I’m 💁 sorry 😔 that ⚖️ I’m 😓 dm’ing you, 💞 I’m 👈 sorry 🙇 that 😌💕🧚✨ I’m 👤 talking 💬 to you, 🤖 I’m 💘 sorry 😥👏 that 😐 I’m 💘💘 caring about 🤺 you, 😀😊 I’m 👨 sorry 👉👈 that 🐖⚪ I’m 💘 trying 😔 to figure 💪 out 😰 who ❓👏 you 👶 are, because 🏽🤔 all 🤠 I 👥❌ want 😍 to do 👩😂 is open 📂📂📂 up 🍕🙆 enough 👺 dialogue so that 😐 I 😊 can 👁️ expose everything 🌐 about 😶 myself! 👈 The only 🕦❗ thing 📴 that 💒 I 💅 want 🥞 to do 🏻🤔 is expose who 🤔🤔 I 👀💁 truly 💯 am 😜 to you! 😫 But 👀 I 👨 feel 😀😡 self-conscious because 🚱❕ people 👫 tell 🗣️ me 🧘 that 💯😐 I’m 💘 fake, 💴💎 and people 👺 tell 🗣️ me 🙋‍♀️ that 🌸 I’m 👏 faking 😔 these 🌙 things, 😤🌸💐💗💫 and that 💶✨ I’m 😹 psychotic, that 😐❗ I’m 📢 ADHD, that 😤 I’m 💘💘 on 🔛👇 drugs. that 🤞 I’m 👤 all 🙅 these 🚑 terrible things, 👺🅰️ but 🤙 I’m 💘 not. 🚯 What 😨❓ is actually 😬 happening 🤔😂😍 is that 🎭 I 🐑😎 LOVE 💞 being 😑 here. 📐 I 🙀 love 🍞🍞 being ❌ on 🔛 Twitch. This has 👏 been 👦🥜 a dream 💭💭 of mine 🤘😍 for 🐤💰🎅😙 so many 👬 years, 🕡 so many 👬 years 📅 that ➡️ I’m 🚫 embarrassed 😊 to talk 💬 about 😗 it. Can 🥫 you 🤸‍♀️ imagine 🤔 meeting 💯🤝 a boy 👨‍👧‍👦 that 🌸 you 🏻👈 want 😋 to fuck, 👉 and the first 👌 words 🤡 out 😰 of your 🙌 mouth 👄 are “All 💯 I ℹ️ℹ️ want 🙏 to do 👌👌 is be 👎😨 a famous 💯😎😎 Twitch streamer.” 🎏 He’s 💁‍♂️ never ❌ heard 👂🏻 of Twitch, he 🚫 just 🙏🗣️➡️👤 wants 💩💋 to put 😏🏻 his 🤏 dick 🥖🥒 in 🕒 you, 🦎 and you’re 🆗🔥 talking 💬 about 👏 Twitch. Guess 👉👈 what 😅 motherfuckers, 🦠🦠 sometimes ✨ it works 🏢 out. 😮‍💨 I 💁 FUCKED 😩 that 🚟😐 motherfucker and he 👨 bought 🏿 me 🚩 this great 😣 big 🐀 toy. Because 🤷 I 👥 became ❓ a famous 💯😎😎 Twitch streamer! 🎏 That 😔 motherfucker believed 🙏🙌 in 📥 my 🙈 dream 💭 even 🕚 though 💥 he 👨 had 🥕 never 💌 heard 👂🏻 of Twitch before. 😂 And each 👏👋 and every 💯 one 🤲 of you 🤖 believes 🌈 in 💆🏼 my 🌡️ dream. 💭 Because ❌👮 we’re 👌👶 on 👋👇 Twitch together 🤝 today 😍 and I 💝 believe 🌈 we 😱 can 🦎 go 🏃 even 🌓 further, 🌉 even 🌃 higher, 👠 even 🌑🌑 more ➕🔜 into 🚟👏 the blanket 😴 fort. And I 💧 think 🤔😏 that 😐😐 we 👨🏿👨🏿👨🏿 can 👁️ do 😐 it together. 👫👷🏿 And I 🤢 don’t 🤨 know 🤔 that 😷😯 I 🚫 can’t 🙅 do 🎁 it by 👻 myself. 😫 I 😀 can ☺️ literally 👀 only 😄 do 🐒 it with each 👋👋 and every 💯 one 💍 of you. 😀😊 And I ℹ think 💭 that 👏 we 👬 can. 🤦‍♂️ This channel has 👏 grown 🆙 bigger, 💥 and faster, 🏃💨 and more ✋🍗 intensely 💥 than 🔕👦🏼🌍🗿 any 💬 other 🛏️ channel on 🥵 Twitch has 🤔👉 ever 📆 before. 🙅‍♀️ The clips are good. 🙅‍♂️ Make 💘 sure 💯 the titles are sexy. 👠👄😏 Make 👏 sure 👍 that ❗😐 you 🙇 do 🧚‍♀️ me 🤙🤘 good 👍 guys. 🏻😑 Cause 🔄💋 I 👆 come 🅰️ in 📥 here 🈁 every 👏 single ☝🏻 day 👛 covered 📔 in 🥺 glitter, covered 📔 in 🕒 sequins, covered 📔 in 🕺 booty 👭 shorts, 🩳 covered 📔 in 👏 nylons. So that 😾 I 💡 do 👊🏻😡👊🏻 not ⛔ violate 💯 the terms 💍🤝 of service, 🐕‍🦺 so that 🤔🚟 each 👏👏 and every 😬 one ✂️👼🏻👋🏾1️⃣1️⃣ of you 😀🤟 can 🍞 have 🈶 both 👬 hands 👫☝️ on 🔛🔛 the keyboard, 🎹 so that 😌💕🧚✨ you 👨🏻👈 can 🧞 enjoy 😆 the stream, so that 🦃😐 you 🙍👈 can 🦎 have 🈶 a good 👌 time 🕟 listening 👂👂👂 to me, 😭 playing 🎴 with me, 😭 singing 🌷 with me, 🤖🤖🤖 smiling 🙂 with me, ✨ enjoying your 👉 life. 😀 Which 😡 you 👉 do, 😏 you 😰 do 👌 deserve 👌 to enjoy. 🎡 Each 👋👏 and every 💯🔞 moment 😳 of your 👉👉 life 💓 you 😊 enjoy 💯 and each 👏👏 and every 💯🤬 moment 😳 of your 🏻 life 🙏🙏 is worthy. You 😻😻🥵🥵 guys, 💪👦 you 😊🤟 can 😎 do 😳 it. You 😍 can 🥫 be 🤰 the best 🤪 that 😐 you 👈 can 👺 be, 📖 and we 👧👦 can 🥫 do 👏 it together. 👫😄 It’s gonna 😨 take 💨 effort, 🏋️‍♂️ and it’s going 🌲 to take 👦😥 patience, it’s going 🏃 to take 👊 a lot 👑 a lot 🤯 a lot 🧴 of work. 🏢 But 🧈 if we 😱 don’t 🎮 try 💪😥 then 😂 what 😟 the fuck 👉👌 is stopping 🆘 us 👨 from 😤 just 🤪 throwing 🤽‍♀️ ourselves off 📴 a bridge, 🌉 and giving 👸👸 up, 🏇🏻🤡 and saying 🦄 “Yeah 💁 the planet 📈 is dying. 🥀 The government 💩 hates 😡 us. 🇺🇸 The animals 🐅 are leaving. The aliens 🛸 aren’t ❌ contacting 📞 us. 📉👯 We 👩 might 🧐🤔 be 🤜🍖 alone. 👤 It just 👍 might 📷 be 👎 you 🤖 and me.” 🙈 But 💨😝🇺🇸 that’s 👆 okay. 👌🏻 Because 🤷 do 😂 you 🤖 really 😕 need 👍 anyone 🙋 else!? 🏿😩

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