Mythic+ 101: Overcoming Anxiety

As we watch the best Mythic+ teams in the world compete in the MDI Global Finals this weekend, we may feel inspired, we may feel hyped, or we may feel a growing sense of dread towards our own dungeon endeavors.

In many of our chapters of the Mythic+ 101 Series, we have discussed tips, tricks, and information to help players take their first steps into Mythic+. However, what if someone is worried about their first run, or taking the leap into harder dungeons? In this chapter, we offer advice towards overcoming one of the most elusive hurdles players face in competitive game content — anxiety.

Table of Contents

  Identifying Anxiety [back to top]

Anxiety is defined as “fear or nervousness about what might happen.” This applies to gaming in many ways, but one of the most common triggers is a system that “ranks” or “scores” people. With every system comes its pros and cons. On one hand, many players love competition; it motivates them to continually improve their skill as a player and feel good about their progress towards any number of goals. However, the comparison of skill can take a once relaxing activity and add a layer of angst. Ranking systems exist in all types of games, and are usually barriers for people who struggle with anxiety. World of Warcraft is no different in that Mythic+ increases in difficulty and has a public scoring system here on Raider.IO and displayed in-game.

Anxiety in Mythic+ can present itself in various ways. The most common forms of anxiety for players in Mythic+ are:

  • When they are afraid to play with people they don’t know
  • When they are afraid to take on more difficult key levels
  • When they are afraid to try a new path or strategy within a dungeon

People may find themselves asking themselves questions like, “What if something goes wrong and I get blamed?” or “I don’t know these people, can I trust them with my key?” The Mythic+ scoring system is partially responsible here, as it adds an extra layer of responsibility and potentially large consequences for small mistakes.

These thoughts can be intrusive and distracting. So how can you recognize anxiety in yourself or your party members? On a personal level you can monitor your feelings when you consider trying a harder dungeon level, trying a new strategy, or even preparing to take your first step into Mythic+. Try to identify what the source of your worry is. This could be something like realizing you are worried about what may happen if you fail the run, or even worrying about meeting new people.

When identifying anxiety in your party members, try to pick up on key behaviors or comments. This may be different depending on if you know your party members or if they are random players from group finder. If you know your group then pay special attention to when things change from the normal routine you have. Perhaps your group may need to fill a team member’s spot with a new player, or you want to try a new route. If someone in your group is reacting negatively to these things then they may be anxious. You can also see if their behavior changes, such as someone who is normally chatty is very quiet or vice versa. For random players they may be quiet or react negatively around new people, or may feel uncomfortable and uneasy about trying a strategy you know but they do not.

  Anxiety Prevention in Mythic+ [back to top]

Now that we have covered what anxiety is and how to recognize some tell-tale signs, we will discuss what you can do to help prevent anxiety in your run, and how to help manage anxiety in your group members. While these topics tie in with our chapter on “Netiquette”, it is important to know how to manage anxiety within your groups. A lot of Mythic+ anxiety can be prevented before a key even begins, as there are some important actions that you can take to be a good ally for your teammates. The majority of this section focuses on anxiety within your party as a whole, but keep in mind that much of these recommendations also apply to personal anxiety prevention.

Firstly, try to set a safe and welcoming environment. In both pugs and consistent teams, consider an environment that strives to be open to questions, discussion, new ideas, and constructive communication. This does not mean you cannot criticize or analyze your runs, but consider your manner of delivery when offering advice or suggestions.

For pugs specifically, taking the time to talk about your strategy and route prior to starting a key helps prevent lingering doubts and cognitive dissonance that can arise mid-run. Make sure your whole party is comfortable with the plan and that everyone understands what their role will be within the group. Long-term Mythic+ teams may have these discussions in advance; however, it can still help to recap your strategy before beginning a key.

In pugs, make sure that you aren’t too focused on Mythic+ score. Groups who place a higher value on learning and improvement are often more successful and likely to continue playing together in the future. Ultimately, most of us want to increase our score, but a lot of toxicity can stem from overanalyzing or overvaluing the instant gratification of a score increase. Anxious players tend to be concerned with the score and success of the dungeon already, as they worry about burning bridges or getting flamed by their fellow party members. While many long term teams will naturally have similar scores by running together frequently, there can be cases where some members increase their score either by playing with other groups or due to absences of core party members on a particular day. Talk with your group about these instances in advance and make sure your team has a plan for when off-nights may occur. Knowing what to expect can dispel a lot of anxiety before it even arises.

Despite our best efforts, anxiety can sometimes spike for a player in the middle of a run. Anxiety can be difficult to understand for those that do not struggle with it, so do your best to be understanding. Positive reinforcement can help with these struggles; comments like “Wow, nice stun there!” or “That was a really good dodge!” can help reassure players that they are seen and valued. It can also help to remind those suffering from anxiety that they are not alone, and that the key is a team effort. Anxiety often makes people feel isolated, so letting a player know in the moment that they have support can help lessen the impact anxious thoughts may have on them.

  Overcoming Personal Anxiety [back to top]

Now let’s focus on personal anxiety management. It may sound silly, but many people find breathing exercises and meditation to help bring about general calmness. Breathing with long deep breaths can help with stress, and this applies to gaming too. At the core, anxiety management techniques involve “taking a step back” when we recognize ourselves becoming heated or overly nervous. If you are getting ready to start a dungeon and you feel anxious, focusing on maintaining your own composure can help relieve stress and prevent mistakes.

Another thing to focus on is viewing things in a more positive manner. Instead of thinking of a mistake as a problem, think of it as a learning opportunity. When meeting new players, view it as a chance to meet a new good friend. It is okay to take a break and step away from the game if you are struggling. Get up and walk around for a few minutes or get a glass of water. Pet your dog. Take the time to clear your mind. Remember that, ultimately, you are playing a game. There may be a challenging dungeon ahead or an inherent scoring system at play, but if you focus on having fun and improving your own skill rather than increasing score, you will be more relaxed and usually perform better too. Practice makes perfect, so treat every key as an opportunity for learning, whether you are entering a +22 or a +15.

  Storytime [back to top]

Prior to getting involved with teaching Mythic+ through the Mythic Plus Friends Discord community, pushing higher keys, and Mythic raiding, I too was anxious about Mythic+. I was playing very casually and did not want to add additional stress in my life, but I enjoyed the concept of Mythic+ dungeons. At the time, I did not think much about the scoring system yet, but knew that I was capable of going into higher dungeon levels than I was doing at that time. To that end, I decided to sign up for a group doing a dungeon one level higher than I had previously finished. I was told that my score wasn’t high enough, and that the group could not trust me and would not take me to the run with them.

After some discussion, I gave up and moved on with my evening. I felt defeated and alone, and it made me nervous to continue interacting with more strangers. I recognized what was happening to me and resolved to channel that feeling into passion and drive instead. I wanted to prove to myself that I was good enough, and that I could be trusted in those dungeons. I knew I would fail along the way and likely get rejected again, but that would be okay as long as I was learning and having fun. Once I got over that mental block, I was able to relax more and enjoy the game while taking on more challenges. Wayne Gretzky, a legendary hockey player, once said “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” While this quote is often overused, there is truth to it and it applies to gaming as well. Do not let your fear of failure make you miss out on fun opportunities!

  Slow & Steady Wins the Race [back to top]

Overall, anxiety can seem overwhelming — especially in a gaming environment where external pressures can come from many different angles. Try to conquer each aspect of your anxiety slowly. Make one new friend and then expand from there. Even if you have more strangers in your party than friends, at least you’ll have someone to rely on and build synergy with. Continue researching different strategies for any dungeon you wish to try on a higher level. Preparation and practice make all the difference when pushing keys. Remember to maintain a positive, learning-based attitude, as the way that you carry yourself can also set the tone for the group as a whole. Most importantly, have fun! See all keys and new experiences as opportunities for growth in your skill as a player. Relax and enjoy the game for what it is and you will be one step closer to overcoming anxiety.


About the Author

MarianasTrench (Mari/Marinara) is an MMO veteran who has played most classes in Mythic+ and Mythic raiding. He is a staff member at the Mythic+ Friends Discord. While he loves Mythic raiding and higher Mythic+ content, he also enjoys helping other players get involved and expanding the Mythic+ community through the Mythic+ Academy at Mythic+ Friends.