Battle for Azeroth Season 4 Ends October 13th, Details on the Post-season

Blizzard has just announced that the official end of Battle for Azeroth Season 4 is coming next week with the reset and pre-patch. We also want to give you a heads up about the post-season in relation to Raider.IO specifically. With next week's reset, all Mythic+ scores and leaderboards from BFA Season 4 will be frozen. Once the servers are back up, we will enter into the BFA Post-season which will last until Shadowlands officially launches. We still don't know the release date for the expansion, but many dates ranging from November 24th to December 8th have been discussed and we'll hopefully know more soon.

Weekly maintenance next week will include the Shadowlands Pre-patch, and that means the end of Battle for Azeroth PvP Season 4, and the beginning of the post-season.

While placement on the season ladder will be locked for any end-of-season rewards such as the Gladiator mount or title, you can continue to earn Conquest towards the Conquest Schedule, gain random PvP loot, and collect catch-up gear rewarded from strongboxes. You can also purchase Corrupted Aspirant gear from vendors located in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

If you participated in Season 4, to ensure you receive the rewards that you’re due, please:

  • Refrain from transferring your character(s) to another realm or faction until after Battle for Azeroth Season 4 has ended.
  • Expect that Battle for Azeroth Season 4 titles and mounts will be awarded approximately two weeks after the season ends.
  • Note that PvP Leaderboards will not be available until the start of the new Shadowlands PvP season.

The new Shadowlands Season 1 will begin shortly after the launch of Shadowlands.

And in case you're wondering what's coming next week, here's the official pre-patch Survival Guide for next week's launch as well, and you can read about everything that's coming in general here.