TGP The War Within Season 1

TGP The War Within Season 1

TGP The War Within Season 1

Event Info

RegionsUS, EU, TW, KR, CN
Event TypeMythic Dungeon International
Team Size5 - 5 players
Players in Match5v5


The War Within Season 1 – Time Trials, Groups & Finals

January 22st - Fenruary 16th

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. (“Blizzard”), will be hosting the World of Warcraft Mythic Dungeon International The Great Push (the “Tournament”). The Tournament will be governed by the following: (i) The Activision Blizzard Esports Standard Rules, incorporated herein by this reference (the “Official Rules”); (ii) Blizzard’s online privacy policy (as described in Section 8.4 of the Official Rules); and (iiithese World of Warcraft® Mythic Dungeon International Tournament Rules (the “Tournament Rules”), unless otherwise indicated. Any inconsistency between these Tournament Rules and the Official Rules shall be decided by Tournament Administration in its sole discretion. Defined terms used in these Tournament Rules shall have the meanings and definitions ascribed to them in the Glossary or the Official Rules, unless otherwise noted herein.

These Tournament Rules (along with the Official Rules) form a contract between Participants and Blizzard and its affiliates, and shall establish the general rules of Tournament play, including rules governing Tournament structure and prize awards. Each Participant is required to read, understand, and agree to these Tournament Rules, the Official Rules and Blizzard’s online privacy policy as a condition of participating in the TGP.

2. Acceptance of the Tournament Rules

(a) You indicate your acceptance of the Official Rules and these Tournament Rules by signing up and/or participating in the Tournament, or as otherwise set forth in Section 1 of the Official Rules.

[(a) If you are under the age of majority (as described below), your parent or legal guardian must accept these Tournament Rules on your behalf. In such an event, please contact Blizzard for assistance at

(c) If you (or your parent or legal guardian, if you are a minor) do not accept these Tournament Rules or you do not meet the player eligibility requirements in Section 3 below, you may not participate in the Tournament or receive any prizing.

3. Signing up

(a) Tournament Eligibility, in general.
  • (i) Your account must be in Good Standing at the start of the Tournament and remain in good standing throughout the Tournament. A account is considered to be in “Good Standing” if there are no records of an account suspension greater than 14 days or an account ban during the Tournament and during the six (6) months preceding the commencement of the Tournament.
  • (ii) All Tournament participants shall meet eligibility requirements for Players as set forth in Section 2 of the Tournament Rules.

(b) Regional Eligibility:
  • (i) You may only participate in the Tournament if, as of December 18, 2024, you are a legal resident of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, People’s Republic of China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela, Algeria, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Morocco, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Republic Of Moldova, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, State of Qatar, Sweden, Switzerland, The Czech Republic, The Netherlands, The Ukraine, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, or Vietnam, excluding where otherwise prohibited or restricted. Players from China will play in their own dedicated region during the “TGP Group Stage” as described in Section 6.

(c) Tournament Communication: All players must join the Tournament Discord for communication with the Tournament Admins.

(d) Signups. TGP sign-ups will officially close on Friday January 17, 2025. Fully registered teams with a complete roster of five (5) players will receive access to the Tournament Realm the following week, ahead of the Time Trials. All players will receive Tournament Realm access at the same time. Pending or incomplete teams will not be granted access.

4. Tournament Realms

Your registered Blizzard Account will be flagged for access to the special Tournament Realms. Login to your account using the App as normal, but instead of selecting your normal realm, click the “Tournament” tab at the bottom of the Realm Selection screen.

Note: Please select the Mythic Dungeon realm for your region.

Any templated character made on the realm will automatically be set at level 80 and will spawn next to special vendors that have been setup there, who will sell Gear, Consumables, Enchants, Keystones, and Gems; everything you need to compete in the Mythic Dungeon International. You will also find an NPC here that will let you teleport to any dungeon.

5. Keystones

At any time, you will be able to buy Keystone Containers. From there you can buy scrolls to set the Dungeon Map, the Keystone Level, and each of the affixes. You simply apply the modifier to the keystone by right-clicking on the scroll in your inventory, and clicking on the keystone you want to modify, just like if you were applying an enchant to a piece of gear. These keystones will be considered Practice Runs that will not count towards your final Time Trials Score.
Once the Time Trials start, your character will receive a quest with two Blizzard Account Bound Time Trials Keystones. These keystones will be used to calculate your Time Trials score as described in Section (7). Your normal keystones will not be usable during the Time Trials period.
Time Trials keystones can be sent to other characters on your account.

6. Overall Tournament Format

The Great Push (TGP) is a multi-stage tournament. The Tournament will consist of an online “Time Trials” leading into two “TGP Group” tournaments and one “Seasonal Finals” event which will take place online on date(s) to be determined by Blizzard in its sole discretion. Teams participating in China will have a dedicated Time Trial and TGP Group as path for the Seasonal Finals.

(a) Gear:
During the full duration of the Mythic Dungeon International, you are only permitted to use the gear provided by the special MDI vendors (you can also use any of the pieces of gear already equipped when you create your character). Acquiring gear on the Tournament Realm from dungeons, raids, or other sources to gain an advantage may result in disciplinary action.

(b) Team Compositions – No Spec Stacking:
Team compositions must contain 5 unique specializations. Teams are not permitted to use 2 of the same specialization during any given dungeon run. For example, a team composition cannot have 2 Fire Mages, however it can have 1 Fire Mage, and 1 Frost Mage.

(c) Team Compositions – 1 Tank, 1 Healer, 3 DPS:
While in dungeons, teams must at all times adhere to using a composition that features 1 Tank player, 1 Healer player, and 3 DPS players. Using more than 1 Tank, 1 Healer, or 3 DPS in a Group composition is prohibited.

(d) Professions:
Players will be able to craft gear utilizing profession vendors on the servers. Certain profession consumables will also be available including Algari Repair Bot 11O, Irresistible Red Button, and Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables.
(e) Dungeons:
Teams will compete in the Mythic Keystone Dungeons available on the Tournament Realms.

7. Time Trials

The Time Trials is a way for Blizzard to judge the overall expertise and flexibility of you and your team as you tackle 2 dungeons. The goal for teams is to push the 2 keystones as high as possible to qualify to the next stage of the tournament. The affixes and levels of the keystone will be set by Blizzard and communicated to the players at the start of the Time Trials. Time Trials will be a one-time occurrence taking place over 5 days at the start of the TGP season, with the exception of teams from China participating in their own region. The top 16 global teams from Time Trials will qualify to the TGP Group Stage.
(a) For the “Time Trial” portion of the tournament, players will play on a “Tournament Realm” World of Warcraft server separate from retail servers provided by Blizzard, with gear normalized across all characters. Players will receive Mythic Keystones from Blizzard in order to practice.

(b) Teams will setup their characters on the Tournament Realm. Usage of the Tournament Realm is provided by Blizzard and can be revoked at any time for any reason at Blizzard’s discretion.

(c) The Time Trials period is defined as the 5 days during which teams can submit timed runs for the 2 keystones set by Blizzard. During this period, teams will be able to push the 2 keystones as high as they can, and the 16 teams who complete the Dungeons within the in-game timer on the highest keystone level will advance to the TGP Groups. Each dungeon will have a specific keystone affix combination, set by Blizzard and communicated to teams at the start of the Time Trials period.

(d) During the Time Trials period, teams will start their runs the same way they would during a live key. At the end of the run, the keystone will progress depending on the time the team completed the dungeon in. If the dungeon is not completed in time, the Keystone will not downgrade and will retain the same keystone level, dungeon and affixes. If a team wishes to intentionally drop their keystone level they can do so by talking to Lindormi in Dornogal.

(e) At the end of the Time Trials period, teams will be judged on their performance as dictated by the game at the end of the run across all 2 dungeons. Your highest keystone completed within the in-game timer for each dungeon will be added together to create your Time Trials score. Keys completed once the in-game timer has expired will not count toward your Time Trials score. You must record a completed run for each dungeon to be eligible. Runs must be completed before the Trime Trials window is closed. Any runs completed after the Time Trials window will not be accepted even if the Dungeon is started before the deadline. The top 16 teams based on Time Trials Score will move onto the TGP Groups. If a team is unable to play in their Group, the next-placed team from Time Trials will take their place in the Group Stage.

(f) In the event teams are tied for their overall score, the following parameters will be used to break the tie (in priority from top to bottom, keep moving down the list if the tie is not broken):

  • Tie Breaker 1; Highest timed keystones win

  • i) The team’s 1 highest timed keystones are compared, highest key wins
  • ii) The team’s 2 highest timed keystones are compared, highest total score wins

  • Example: Team A has score 27, 25 = 52, Team B has score 26, 26 = 52. Team A would win when comparing the team’s highest timed keystones.

  • Tie Breaker 2; The team with the fastest times across all their completed dungeons wins. This is calculated by adding the team’s fastest time across each of their 2 dungeons at their highest keystone level completed. The fastest overall time wins.
  • Tie Breaker 3; The teams will play a head-to-head match on a map decided by Blizzard
  • Tie Breaker 4; Coin Toss

8. TGP Group Stage

In the TGP Group Stage, the 16 qualified teams from Time Trials will be seeded into 2 Groups by Blizzard. Each group will consist of 8 teams, with the teams competing simultaneously over 3 days to push the keystone levels of dungeons set by Blizzard to the highest levels. Each competition day will last 5 hours, totaling 15 hours of competition. Teams will play on the same realms and accounts as used during the Time Trials period. The top 2 teams from each Group will earn a berth into the Season Finals, alongside 2 teams from the China Regional Finals.

(a) Format
  • Teams in each Group will be split into 2 sets of 4 by Time Trials seeding. The first set of 4 teams will compete on Friday and the second set of 4 teams will compete on Saturday.
  • At the start of each competition day, Blizzard will provide the teams a list of 3 dungeons to be used during this stage of the Tournament. Each will have a predetermined set of affixes and a base keystone level teams will start with.
  • The top 2 teams at the end of Friday and Saturday will advance to Sunday, where their score will be reset and they will compete in 3 new dungeons to determine the winners of the group weekend.
  • Teams will run the dungeons during the allotted competition period and will push the keystones according to the in-game timer. For example, if a team completes Dungeon A at keystone level 15 with a +3 timer, the keystone will become Dungeon A Keystone level 18.
  • If a team fails to complete a key within the timer, they can reattempt that dungeon at the same keystone level.
  • When the 5 hours of play on a competition day ends, any team already in a dungeon can play out the dungeon until it is completed or the in-game timer is reached, whichever comes first.
  • At the end of each competition day, teams will be scored on their combined completed keystone levels across the available dungeons. Only dungeons completed in time per the in-game timer contribute toward the overall score. The overall score will reset daily in accordance with the new dungeons for each day.
  • At the end of Day 1, the top 2 teams advance to Day 3
  • At the end of Day 2, the top 2 teams advance to Day 3
  • At the end of Day 3, the highest-scoring team will have won the Tournament
  • In the event teams are tied for their overall score, the following parameters will be used to break the tie (in priority from top to bottom, keep moving down the list if the tie is not broken):
  • Tie Breaker 1; Highest timed keystones win
  • i) The team’s 1 highest timed keystones are compared, highest key wins
    ii) The team’s 2 highest timed keystones are compared, highest total score wins
    iii) The team’s 3 highest timed keystones are compared, highest total score wins
    iv) The team’s 4 highest timed keystones are compared, highest total score wins
    v) The team’s 5 highest timed keystones are compared, highest total score wins

    Example: Team A has score 27, 27, 26, 25, 24, 22 = 151, Team B has score 27, 27, 25, 25, 25, 22 = 151. Team A would win when comparing the team’s 3 highest timed keystones.

  • Tie Breaker 2; The team with the fastest times across all their completed dungeons wins. This is calculated by adding up the team’s fastest time across all dungeons at their highest completed keystone level. For any dungeon uncompleted, the full dungeon timer will be added to the total timer. The fastest total time wins.
  • Tie Breaker 3; The teams will play a head-to-head match on a map decided by Blizzard
  • Tie Breaker 4; Coin Toss

(b) Tournament Play

  • Teams will be made up of a total of the 5 eligible players from the Time Trials qualification.
  • Dungeons will be available for play during the competition windows as described above. Dungeons will be unavailable for play on the Tournament Realm outside of the times allocated by Blizzard.
  • During the 5-hour Tournament window each competition day, teams must take a 20-minute break where they do not enter any dungeon. This break can be taken at any point between the 2nd hour and 4th hour of competition up to the team captain’s discretion (e.g. on a broadcast day from 10am to 3pm, teams must take a 20-minute break between 11am - 2pm). The team captain must notify the Tournament Administrator who will start the timer. Teams are able to split this 20-minute break into 2 breaks (e.g. a 5-minute and 15-minute break) throughout the day. Teams who do not take their 20-minutes break on a given day will face a 5-point penalty to their overall score.
  • Team Captains will coordinate with Tournament Administrators to begin their dungeon run. Teams must ensure to have at least 1 administrator and 1 observer in the group before starting the dungeon. Starting a dungeon without an administrator and observer in the group may result in a re-play, and subsequent errors may lead to disciplinary action.
  • Teams must consist of 5 players. Teams unable to field a team of 5 players when it comes time to play will forfeit.
  • Once a dungeon begins, should one or more eligible participants on a team lose their connection to the in-game dungeon and ‘drop’, the game will continue, with the other members of the team continuing to play.
  • Review Section 11 on Additional Rules, Penalties, and Gameplay Exploits

(c) Dungeons

  • Blizzard will provide qualified teams a list of dungeons to be used during this stage of the Tournament. Each will have a predetermined set of affixes and a base keystone level teams will start with.
  • Each TGP Group will exclusively feature Dungeons from The War Within Season 1 Dungeon Pool.

(d) Roster Swapping

  • Teams will only be permitted to “swap” player(s) in limited windows during the Tournament. This swap includes removing player(s) and adding another eligible player(s), keeping the team roster size at 5.
  • Roster Swap requests will normally be made by the Team Captain. If the team wishes to remove their captain, a majority of the team (at least 3 players) must agree to this change by emailing the Blizzard Esports team at and confirming the change.
  • In case of dispute, a Roster swap must be approved by a majority of the team (at least 3 out of 5 players).
  • Teams who qualify in Time Trials are allowed to make up to one (1) roster swap before the first Group Brackets are revealed. This deadline is Thursday 30 January at 10am Pacific.
  • If a team is unable to field their roster during the TGP Group Stage, the next team from Time Trials will be invited.
  • Teams who qualify for the TGP Season Finals must use the same roster they qualify with from the TGP Group Stage.
  • In emergency circumstances, Blizzard reserves the right, in its sole discretion to allow Teams to perform a Roster Swap. Players must contact a Tournament Admin at no less than 24 hours prior to a scheduled match if any emergency Roster Swaps are needed for that match.

Prize Pool:
  • General Prize Terms. All terms relating to the awarding of prizes for the TGP Group Stage Tournament are governed by the General Prizing Terms, as set forth in Section 5 of the Official Rules.
  • TGP Group Stage Tournament Prize Pool. Each TGP Group has a $30,000 USD prize pool distributed amongst the top-eight (8) teams as set forth in the table below. Cash prizes will be split equally among all 5 members of the team.

Tournament Placement
Prize Award Per Team (USD)
1st Place (Qualifies to Season Finals)
2nd Place (Qualifies to Season Finals)
3rd Place
4th Place
5th Place
6th Place
7th Place
8th Place

9. TGP Season Finals

(a) Format:
The “Season Finals” Tournaments will consist of a competition between the top six (6) teams from the TGP Group Stage & TGP China Region. The Season Finals will take place online on date(s) as determined by Blizzard in its sole discretion. The Season Finals will operate according to the following competition format:

  • All six (6) teams will compete simultaneously during the Season Finals.
  • Blizzard will provide qualified teams a list of dungeons to be used during this stage of the Tournament. Each will have a predetermined set of affixes and a base keystone level teams will start with.

    • Three of these dungeons will be provided at the start of Day 1 of the Tournament.
    • A fourth & fifth will be added at the start of Day 2.
    • A sixth will be added at the start of Day 3.

  • Teams will run the dungeons during the allotted competition period and will push the keystones according to the in-game timer.
  • If a team fails to complete a key within the timer, they can reattempt that dungeon at the same keystone level.
  • When the 5 hours of play on a competition day ends, any team already in a dungeon can play out the dungeon until it is completed or the in-game timer is reached, whichever comes first.
  • At the end of each competition day, teams will be scored on their combined completed keystone levels across the available dungeons. Only dungeons completed in time per the in-game timer contribute toward the overall score.
  • There are no eliminations on Day 1 or Day 2 of the TGP Season Finals.
  • In the event teams are tied for their overall score, the same Tie Breakers as described in the TGP Group Stage (Section 8) will decide the winner.

(b) Tournament Play

  • Teams will be made up of a total of the 5 eligible players from the TGP Groups qualification.
  • Dungeons will be available for play during the competition windows as described above. Dungeons will be unavailable for play on the Tournament Realm outside of the times allocated by Blizzard.
  • During the 5-hour Tournament window each competition day, teams must take a 20-minute break where they do not enter any dungeon. This break can be taken at any point between the 2nd hour and 4th hour of competition up to the team captain’s discretion (e.g. on a broadcast day from 10am to 3pm, teams must take a 20-minute break between 11am - 2pm). The team captain must notify the Tournament Administrator who will start the timer. Teams are able to split this 20-minute break into multiple breaks throughout the day, however these breaks must be taken in increments of 5 (e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20 adding to 20 total). Teams who do not take their 20-minutes break on a given day will face a 5-point penalty to their overall score.
  • Team Captains will coordinate with Tournament Administrators to begin their dungeon run. Teams must ensure to have at least 1 administrator and 1 observer in the group before starting the dungeon. Starting a dungeon without an administrator and observer in the group may result in a re-play, and subsequent errors may lead to disciplinary action.
  • Teams must consist of 5 players. Teams unable to field a team of 5 players when it comes time to play may be subject to forfeit.
  • Once a dungeon begins, should one or more eligible participants on a team lose their connection to the in-game dungeon and ‘drop’, the game will continue, with the other members of the team continuing to play.
  • Review Section 11 on Additional Rules, Penalties, and Gameplay Exploits

(c) Dungeons

  • Blizzard will provide qualified teams a list of dungeons to be used during this stage of the Tournament. Each will have a predetermined set of affixes and a base keystone level teams will start with.

  • Three of these dungeons will be provided at the start of Day 1 of the Tournament.
  • A fourth & fifth will be added at the start of Day 2.
  • A sixth will be added at the start of Day 3.

(d) Prize Pool:
The TGP Season Finals has a $200,000 USD prize pool distributed amongst the best six teams as set forth in the table below. Cash prizes will be split equally among all 5 members of the team. All terms relating to the awarding of prizes for the Season Final Tournament are governed by the General Prizing Terms, as set forth in Section 5 of the Official Rules.

Tournament Placement
Prize Award Per Team (USD)
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
5th Place
6th Place

10. TGP The War Within Season 1 Time Trials & Group Schedule

Tentative TGP The War Within Season 1 Season Schedule:

  • Fri. Jan 17 –Sign Ups Close. Eligible TR Access granted next week
  • Weds. Jan 22 – Time Trial Begins, Info Published
  • Mon. Jan 27 – Time Trial Ends <10am pacific / 7pm central european>
  • Top 16 Teams qualify to Group Stage
  • Fri. Jan 31 – Group A, Day 1
  • Sat. Feb 1 – Group A, Day 2
  • Sun. Feb 2 – Group A, Day 3
  • Fri. Feb 7 – Group B, Day 1
  • Sat. Feb 8 – Group B, Day 2
  • Sun. Feb 9 – Group B, Day 3
  • *Top 6 teams advance to TGP Season Finals
  • Fri. Feb 14 – Season Finals, Day 1
  • Sat. Feb 15 – Season Finals, Day 2
  • Sun. Feb 16 – Season Finals, Day 3

Blizzard will update the foregoing schedule frequently throughout the Tournament. Participants should check back often for updates to the Schedule and these Tournament Rules.

11. Additional Rules, Penalties, and Gameplay Exploits

  • Character names should include the full or shortened version of the players’ BattleTag or Raider.IO alias. Team and character names must not contain profanity, the names of people not on the team, or the names of any third-party, trademark, or intellectual property. Only small variations of this handle for multiple characters will be allowed. (Ex: NameA. NameB, NamePala, NameSham, etc.)
  • Players are allowed to perform an unlimited number of character changes between maps.
  • For a team to request their existing team logo to be used on broadcast during TGP Group Stage, they must submit the logo to the WoW Esports team for approval via at least 7 days prior to the Tournament Broadcast. Team logos should be at least 512x512 pixels or above, and ideally PNG format. Teams must own the rights to any submitted logo.
  • During Group Stage and Finals stage, one member of each team must be live-streaming their matches during the competition. The live-stream must include the player’s full in-game perspective during all dungeons in the Tournament at least 720p60, with the exclusion of a blocker to block the player’s in-game chat window. Voice comms are not required to be streamed. The stream must have a delay time between 1-minutes to 2-minutes from their live gameplay.
  • Players are required to be ready at least 30 minutes prior to their match starting, and check in with the designated Tournament admin.
  • Once contacted by an admin to start a match, teams have 5 minutes to be ready to start the match. If players are not ready 5 minutes after first contacted by the admin, they are subject to forfeiting the map.
  • Tournament Admins can ask players to remove Transmogrifications at their discretion.
  • Players repeatedly contravening Tournament Admin requests may be penalized.
  • During the Tournament, teams may not interact with or message members of the opposing team, except for a greeting and closing message.
  • During the Tournament, teams may, at their discretion, opt to abandon their key. Teams may then restart the key at the same keystone level. Only keys completed within the in-game timer will contribute toward the team’s overall score in the Tournament. Players are not allowed to zone out and re-enter the same keystone run.
  • In order to dispute any game issue, Players must notify a Tournament Admin immediately. Once the next game has started, players may not protest results. The Tournament administration may investigate past results at their discretion.
  • Players are not allowed to zone out and re-enter a dungeon during a match.
  • Players cannot use buffs / consumables that wouldn’t be available to their composition once the match starts.
  • Players may not use known bugs or exploits in the Tournament matches, as determined by the Tournament administration.
  • Players who have identified a strategy involving a potential bug or exploit must inform Tournament Administration providing a VOD or log of their run prior to the competition. The team must provide full details of this strategy to Tournament Administration. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. Any run sent to Tournament administration which is approved for use will not be shared with other teams.
  • Some general guidelines on strategies allowed and not allowed during TGP Group Stage and Finals can be found below. Any strategy that involves any of the criteria below must be shared with Tournament Administration providing a VOD of the strategy before being used in competition.
  • Teams are not allowed to pull mobs or bosses that are out of line-of-sight or out-of-range of a player’s abilities unless the strategy has been specifically approved by a Tournament Admin.
  • Teams cannot pull mobs or bosses that are locked beyond dungeon progression or out-of-bounds areas unless the player is able to physically get in line-of-sight and range of the mob. Any such strategy must be approved by a Tournament Admin before use.
  • Bosses cannot be pulled outside of their intended encounter area.
  • Players are not allowed to use 'safe-spotting' (such as spots where boss has no path to the area) during a boss encounter to negate a mechanic or cancel the cast of an ability.
  • Snapping strategies that don’t breach the above rules are generally allowed but must be shared with Tournament administration beforehand.
  • Intentional usage of bugs or exploits that haven’t been approved ahead of time by Tournament Administration may result in a time penalty being applied to your run, forfeiture of that game/match, or other disciplinary action at Blizzard’s sole discretion.

12. General (But Important) Terms and Conditions

(a) Blizzard Copyrights and Trademarks.

  • (i)These Tournament Rules, the Tournament, and all accompanying materials are copyright 2024 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights are reserved.
  • (ii) Nothing in these Tournament Rules or your participation in the Tournament grants to you, by implication, waiver, estoppel or otherwise, any right or license to use or display any name, logo, service mark or trademark of Blizzard or any other Blizzard Group member.

(b) Changes to World of Warcraft.

  • (i) Blizzard reserves the right to patch, update or improve World of Warcraft at any time to fix bugs, change balance or add features or functionality as deemed appropriate by Blizzard, in its sole discretion, without suspending or canceling the Tournament.
  • (ii) You agree that Blizzard will not be liable to you for any changes to World of Warcraft or these Tournament Rules.

(c) Changes to the Tournament Rules.

  • (i) These Tournament Rules and the Official Rules contain the rules, policies and practices of the Blizzard for the Tournament that are in effect at the time of their publication. All previously issued rules, policies and practices (other than the Website Terms), whether in print or online, relating to the Tournament are superseded.
  • (ii) Blizzard reserves the right to change, delete or add to these Tournament Rules at any time, in its sole discretion, and to suspend, cancel or modify the Tournament or any player’s participation in the Tournament should viruses, bugs, unauthorized human intervention, hacks or other causes beyond Blizzard’s control affect the administration, security or proper play of the Tournament, or Blizzard otherwise becomes (as determined in its sole discretion) incapable of running the Tournament as planned.
  • (iii) Due to server capacity and other technical limitations beyond the control of Blizzard, Blizzard reserves the right to limit the number of players in the Tournament.

(d) No Employment Relationship.

  • (i) You agree that you are not an employee or contractor of Blizzard or any other Blizzard Group member and are not entitled to employee or fringe benefits.
  • (ii) Nothing in these Tournament Rules shall be deemed or construed to create a partnership, joint venture or similar relationship or create fiduciary duties or responsibilities on the part of Blizzard or any other member of the Blizzard Group.

(e) Communications.

  • (i) We both agree that these Tournament Rules constitute a written agreement signed by both you and Blizzard under applicable law.
  • (ii) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, these Tournament Rules, and any other notices, requests and other communications provided for herein, may be provided to you electronically, and you agree to receive all such communications from Blizzard electronic form. Electronic communications will be delivered to you at the email address listed on your Blizzard Account.
  • (iii) If you have any questions or comments about these Tournament Rules or the Tournament, please email them to or send written questions to: World of Warcraft Esports c/o Blizzard Entertainment Esports, P.O. Box 18979, Irvine, CA 93623.

(f) Player Prize Distribution

  • Players who win prizes under these Tournament rules must provide Blizzard with payment information that will allow Blizzard to pay out their winnings without violating any embargoes, sanctions, etc., to which Blizzard, as company organized in the United States, is required to comply with.

13. Glossary

“Advertising Materials” means (a) the websites of Blizzard and its streaming and broadcast partners; (b) social media postings; (c) print and online advertising and content; (d) network, cable and local television and radio; (e) newspaper and magazine advertising and content; (f) online advertising and content, including banners, leaderboards and skyscrapers; (g) outdoor and indoor billboards, posters, signs and displays; (h) product catalogues, point-of-sale materials, hang tags, product packaging and instruction manuals; (i) press releases, newsletters and e-alerts; and (j) hats, shirts and other apparel and gaming gear and peripherals.
“Blizzard Account” means a full Blizzard account registered on Blizzard’s on-line gaming service that is in good standing and that remains in good standing throughout the Tournament. “Blizzard Account” does not refer to a Blizzard light account; a light account is not sufficient for participation in the Tournament.
“Blizzard”, “we” or “us” means Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., and/or its affiliates.
“Blizzard Group” means Blizzard, its parent and any of their respective affiliate companies and subsidiaries.
“Challenger’s Burden” While inside a Mythic+ dungeon, all players are affected by Challenger's Burden. Whenever a player dies, 5 seconds is removed from the timer as a penalty.
“Dispute” means any dispute, controversy, or claim, whether based on contract, tort, fraudulent misrepresentation, statute, regulation, constitution, common law, equity, or any other matter, that arises out of or relates to the Tournament, a Tournament Event or these Tournament Rules, or a breach thereof.
“Double Finals” means an extra match that can occur after the Grand Final match of a tournament. In the Grand Final, if the Team that came from the Upper Bracket (undefeated up to that point) loses to the Team that came from the Lower Bracket (had already lost a match prior), another match is immediately played to determine the overall winner. The MDI program does not use the Double Finals format, so the team that wins the Grand Final match is the winner, regardless of who came from the Upper Bracket or Lower Bracket.
“Dungeon Race” means a single head-to-head- Mythic Keystone Dungeon match between two teams. Both teams will be racing against each other, using the same Keystone level, the same affixes, and dungeon. In order to be a Dungeon Race, both teams need to start their match at the same time, as directed by the Tournament Admin, by placing a Mythic Keystone into the “Font of Power” Pedestal at the start of the dungeon instance. Once the race is underway, both teams will attempt to complete the objectives listed in in-game (defeating creatures and boss encounters). The winner of the race will be the team that completes the dungeon with the shortest completion time, keeping in mind the “Challenger’s Burden” penalty automatically imposed for each player’s death during the Dungeon Race.
“MDI” means the World of Warcraft Mythic Dungeon International tournament.
“Mythic Keystone Dungeon” means a dungeon only accessible by utilizing a Mythic Keystone item, introduced in the World of Warcraft: Legion expansion.
“Official Rules” means the Activision Blizzard Esports Standard Rules.
“Tournament” means all of the tournament events that are a part of the 2024 World of Warcraft Mythic Dungeon International. The Tournament includes the Time Trials, the MDI Groups, and the Season Finals.
“Tournament Admin” means an individual appointed by Blizzard that enforces Blizzard’s rulings related to the Tournament, and helps organize and orchestrate the in-game portion of the Tournament.
“Tournament Events” means all games, matches, media events, autograph signings, photo sessions, sponsor events and other gatherings or events occurring with or as part of the Tournament.
“Tournament Realm” means an account and server separate from retail servers provided by Blizzard with gear and artifact power normalized across all characters.
“Tournament Rules” means these Rules, which is the World of Warcraft Mythic Dungeon International Tournament Rules, Terms and Conditions, and the Official Rules (i.e., the rules, terms and conditions as set forth this document).
“Website Terms” means the Blizzard End User License Agreement applicable to your use of Blizzard’s online gaming service, the Online Privacy Policy applicable to your use of Blizzard’s online gaming service, and the other terms and conditions governing use of the Blizzard’s websites. The current version of the Blizzard End User License Agreement for is found at and the current version of the Online Privacy Policy is found at
“Your Brand Materials” means your name, nickname, BattleTag, logo, initials, likeness, image, photograph, animation, autograph, voice, public persona, Social Media posts, biographical information and backstory.

Event Summary

RegionsCN, EU, KR, TW, US
Mythic Dungeon International
Event TypeMDI
Team Size5 players
Players in Match5v5