Recent Updates with tag "recruitment"
We're excited to help announce the official rebrand of the LWiW Approved Guilds program, now known as VISAGE Verified Guilds, and we're proud to continue our support and collaboration for this important initiative! Learn more about VISAGE, the Verified Guilds program, and how you can apply today.
Raider.IO has proudly partnered up with Liquid Women in Warcraft, an initiative working towards increasing representation of gender minorities in WoW, to create a new guild designation on the site. Read on to learn more about what an "LWiW Approved" Guild is, and what it means for our Recruitment System!
The public beta of the Raider.IO Recruitment System launched 2 weeks ago to the date. Since then we've welcomed and received a ton of great feedback, much of which we've used to make improvements and fixes to the System already. We're also proud to announce the addition of Mythic+ Team Recruitment! Read on to learn all about the changes, updates, and fixes we've made to the Recruitment System.