
Play Like the Pros: Import This Week's High Mythic+ Routes

Do you love Mythic Plus (Mythic+) but are too busy throughout the week between school, work, family, or raiding to see what routes the top players are running on streams?

We’ve got you covered with our new series: Play Like the PROS!

Today, we share some of the advanced Mythic+ routes that we have seen on Twitch streams this week to help you optimize your weekend key pushing sessions! Read on to import dungeon routes by the pros and maybe learn some new tech.

Table of Contents

High Mythic+ Routes

Fortified, Spiteful, Grievous, Thundering



Dungeon Run: Algeth'ar Academy +26
Team: Tattman, Bobbywoke, Nightclaws, Rataucigasa, Vildiepi

We had the privilege of speaking to Tattman for some insights into his team’s Mythic+ route. Here’s what he had to share:

  • The first pull is A LOT about movement with mobs, how stacked you can keep them, minimum movement, and controlled movement. If it's a mess nobody's gonna do any good damage.
  • On Crawth, we line-of-sighted one Disorienting Screech stack, to have an easier time, but we pushed the boss’s HP too far and didn’t get a second set of balls to dunk. We phased the boss at 45% before resetting our stacks the first time and had to finish the fight without another reset, but it wasn’t an issue at all.
  • Due to playing with a Demon Hunter rather than a Rogue like we usually do, we didn't snap anything in this particular Algeth’ar run. The Guardian Sentry is deadly on Fortified and we could've snapped some mobs there; however, I did not think the risk was needed to time the key. Usually, we'd snap to birds.
  • On Vexamus, there's one overlap of Mana Bomb and Arcane Fissure happening which you have to be careful about. Apart from that, the boss is a piece of cake on Fortified.
  • The double pull after Vexamus has huge tank damage. Try to stun the Battle Axes our of their Severing Slash, but there's also plenty of casts to look out for. Any two casts on the same target and that friend is in the grave.
  • For pull 13, you can put the Echoknight on the stairs, stand beneath them, and you will not get hit by their Astral Whirlwind. Kill the Invoker, and chain to the next pack. If you have a Shadow Priest, they can Mind Control the Restorer to cast Celestial Shield, which gives players 50% spell haste. That's essentially a Bloodlust and a Power Infusion combined for our fat Boomkin and Priest.

See the Mythic+ Route in Action:


Dungeon Run: Court of Stars +27
Team: Nerf, Treenuts, Evne, Hypeboy, Youngmulakek

We had the privilege of speaking to Nerf for some insights into his team’s Mythic+ route. Here’s what he had to share:

  • Use CC on Duskwatch Sentries to prevent the Throw Torch cast.
  • The healer runs forward to do the RP that opens the doors after the first boss.
  • We make sure the healer has the professions (if not Night Elf/Blood Elf) so they can grab the buffs after they open the doors while the group does the trash at the docks. Need Enchanting for the Magical Lantern and Cooking for both the Nightshade Refreshments food buff and Umbral Bloom haste buff.
  • Ideally you get all of the buffs as fast as possible, at minimum before the minibosses on Fortified.
  • If you have to fight two Felbound Enforcers to spawn minibosses, skip G35 (Inquisitor/Mistress/Hound pack).

See the Mythic+ Route in Action:


Dungeon Run: Halls of Valor +26
Team: Equinoxmonk, Dxm, Layeesha, Shantiana, Tjuanalpha

Bloodlust Timings: 1st pull, Hyrja, Fenryr, Odyn 2nd intermission

We had the privilege of speaking to Equinoxmonk for some insights into his team’s Mythic+ route. Here’s what he had to share:

  • Pull 1: We CC Thundercaller 1 and pull everything together. We lust, rotate kicks on Thundercaller 2, and we pull in Thundercaller 1 when Thundercaller 2 dies. For some Brewmaster-specific notes on this pull, I start off with Fortifying Brew + Celestial Brew on the Storm Drake’s Lightning Breath followed by an immediate use of Black Ox Brew to sustain myself with Purifies (via Gai Plin’s Imperial Brew healing). For the 2nd Lightning Breath, I use Dampen Harm + Celestial Brew. When Dampen Harm is ending, I use Leg Sweep to slow down the incoming damage. I slowly kite the Valarjar Champions and back away from melee range on each Power Attack. If a 3rd Lightning Breath goes off from the drake, I use Diffuse Magic.
  • For Hymdall, this boss is very simple. Position Hymdall in a lane where the Storm Drake isn't doing its breath, and then move him into the lane that just finished. As a Brewmaster, make sure you have Pretense of Instability up before each cast of Bloodletting Sweep to reduce the likelihood of you getting the dot.
  • You’ll need 1 melee kick on each Mystic for Holy Radiance and 2 people on one Runecarver to handle Etch. When there’s a Thundercaller, you need 2 melee kicks to control its Thunderous Bolts. I use any leftover CC on Rune of Healing casts. Defensively, I always use Fortifying Brew on this pull so I have it back for pull 4. Always Fortifying Brew into Celestial Brew - Black Ox Brew - Celestial Brew. For Shieldmaidens, a tank tip is that you can slowly walk out of the Breach Armor and Mortal Hew by taking a few steps backwards and then walking back in. This also works for the Champions on their Power Attacks.
  • For pull 3, I tag g7 then tag g14 Thundercaller with my Provoke (with Hasty Provocation) to make him group up fast so I can kick immediately. Thundercaller needs 2 melee kicks + cc in between, each Mystic needs 1 melee kick as well. Priority target is the Thundercaller. Defensives here are Dampen Harm and Black Ox Brew. Same backstep technique to dodge Mortal Hew and Power attack, this is an important technique to get down.
  • We Shroud to pull 4 and double sap g10 to get past, you can opt to add these into pull 4 and skip 2 bulls later if you would like. This pull is all about you perfecting the backstep technique I've mentioned before. You're just constantly avoiding Breach Armor and Mortal Hew while pointing the Blast of Light away from your group. Don't be afraid to use Leg Sweep to cancel casts if you get overwhelmed.
  • The mini bosses of pull 5 are basically a healer/defensives check. For time, start off with Solsen and then pull Olmyr once Solsten’s first Eye of the Storm cast is 50% over. Then, we late-kick Searing Light so that the Sanctify and Eye of the Storm do not overlap.
  • To make Hyrja as easy as possible, do the inversion trick, as demonstrated by Naowh here. This is so that each of her abilities is only doing base damage and isn’t empowered. During Eye of the Storm, as a Brewmaster, you should offheal your healer if you can to take pressure off of them. Your Vivifies add up quite a bit.
  • Pull 8 is the snap pull I mentioned in the last Play like the Pros article we did for this dungeon. I use the same CD rotation as the first pull of the dungeon for each Lightning Breath. I feed the Drake 2 deer at the start of this pull then 3 deer at the end for an easy way to reach our enemy forces count.
  • Ever since the run featured in this article, we’ve changed up the route a tiny bit and we now do 2 Angerhoof Bulls with Phase 1 Fenryr. We do this so the bull + bear pull later is much easier on melee DPS players due to less area-of-denial. During the Fenryr fight, rotate CC's on Rumbling Stomps that overlap with Claw Frenzy and step away on Piercing Horn casts.
  • The Ebonclaw Worg pull in the hardest in the dungeon for tanks. Make sure any ranged players are on the lamp post to stop the worgs from leaping. Once everything is grouped up, as shown in the video below, kite until your Fortifying Brew comes up.
  • Handling Fenryr mainly comes down to dealing with his Ravenous Leap mechanic. If you have a Rogue or a Shadowmeld in your group, you have that person walk out of melee range while the rest stay close and then they must press Vanish/Shadowmeld mid-leap. Fenryr’s leap always targets the furthest person with the first leap, so this is easily replicated. As a tank, you have almost 0 influence on this boss unless you are a Paladin/Warrior who can deal with the fixates with Blessing of Protection/Intervene.
  • 3 Bulls + Bears. You will have the 150% speed buff from Odyn’s Blessing here so you're primarily kiting this in a circle. I use my defensives to stay in and deal some damage when I can or to get my Boon trinket off, but this pull is mostly just about keeping things in a tight circle while your DPS kill everything.
  • Leading to God-King Skovald, we do 3 Kings at once. Prior to entering this area, pick up two beer items, and throw one at King Haldor. Wait 2 seconds, then beer King Bjorn, wait another 2 seconds, then use a beer on King Tor. You activate King Ranulf then drag him into King Haldor until Haldor aggroes Ranulf, then you drag them both to King Bjorn. Wait for aggro, then drag to King Tor. You want to spam click on these mobs to activate their dialogue when they are running back to their original spots, this will allow you to activate all 4 at the same time. Once King Ranulf dies, you need 3 kicks: 1 melee on each or 1 melee on 2 then 1 melee + 1 ranged or 2 ranged kicks on the 3rd king.
  • God-King Skovald is fairly straightforward. If you have Vanish/Feign Death/Shadowmeld you can cancel the Felblaze Rush otherwise you are eating it with a defensive. While the shield is up this dot doesn't do any damage, neither do mechanics like quaking. Brewmaster tip: You cannot use abilities like Expel Harm, Spinning Crane Kick, or Crackling Jade Lightning during the shield cast or it will break it. I usually just take Spinning Crane Kick off my bars here.
  • The main stresses on Odyn are the positions of your spears, (which can be baited by player locations), and living through the Runic Brands. We tank him on the edge of the room and bait each spear near the edge giving us the most room in the middle to react to dodging the balls once he does Shatter Spears into Runic Brand. Use speed boosts like Stampeding Roar during Runic Brands. This is also a good spot to use Health Pots and healer cooldowns. At 86%, he will start dropping 3 spears at once. We have started using Bloodlust on the 2nd Runic Brand to only get 1 full set of 3 spears since he will die very soon after with the damage buff. Once he starts doing 3 spears per cast, you have to make sure you are either completely topped on health or have a defensive up.

See the Mythic+ Route in Action:


Dungeon Run: Ruby Life Pools +26
Team: Dwarfgoh, Dragonfishi, Laflame, Marcrützou, Yodarr

We had the privilege of speaking to Dragonfishi for some insights into her team’s Mythic+ route. Here’s what she had to share:

  • We preshroud the key to skip the first big rock guy, you can do this if you have Roar from a moonkin or you see us use a warlock gate, then shroud the second rock guy at the beginning.
  • We just choose to do Flamegullet instead of Thunderhead and usually lust him. We also lust the miniboss (High Channeler Ryvati) before the last boss (Kyrakka and Eckhart).
  • To avoid pulling the Thunderhead dragon, the trick is to carefully watch its patrols and use a ledge on the left to skip it while heading towards Kokia. It all depends on Thunderhead’s patrol, which can be seen in our video below.
  • As far as our group composition goes, something to note is that we rotate Blessing of Sacrifice and Time Dilation on the people targeted by Living Bombs from the Blazebound Destroyers during the trash surrounding Kokia.

See the Mythic+ Route in Action:


Dungeon Run: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds +27
Team: Equinoxmonk, Dxm, Layeesha, Shantiana, Tjuanalpha

We had the privilege of speaking to Equinoxmonk for some insights into his team’s Mythic+ route. Here’s what he had to share:

  • We do the same route as our Tyrannical week SBG route, but we change up the lust timings, which lets us get lust on 2 trash packs and the 2 Void Spawns at the end.
  • Pull 1-3 are the scariest pulls until after the 2nd boss for Brewmaster. Pull 1 the Shadowmoon Loyalist has a self-buff Sinister Focus that makes it attack twice as fast. This pack is very dangerous and I recommend sending at least Dampen Harm here; Black Ox Brew if you are feeling extra scared. Your healer should go and pull the skitterling pack while you are fighting the 4 pack so you don't have to snap the skitterlings down after.
  • For both pulls 2 and 3, (the skitterlings with Reanimated Ritual Bones and a Shadowmoon Bone-Mender), send Fortifying Brew and use Purifying Brew preemptively so you gain Pretense of Instability buff, increasing your chances of dodging Void Slash. Once the Bone-Mender is dead, I kite the 3 Ritual Bones to the next pack and repeat the process. Don't be afraid to use Leg Sweep/Paralysis/Ring of Peace to stop any Void Slash casts (they don't recast after CC). You can also just Roll away if needed.
  • Boss 1: Biggest thing here as a Brewmaster is just keeping up Pretense of Instability anytime she has the Deathspike Buff. You can also eat stacks of this by timing Exploding Keg during this buff since it is an auto attack. I send Celestial Brew during Dark Eclipse so that I'm topped off for the Deathspikes afterwards. You can send Touch of Death on every other Defiled Spirit here.
  • Boss 2: We Shroud past g13 and Exhumer 1 to Nhallish and pull Exhumer 2 with the boss. We do this to have funnel for our Rogue (we pull the Exhumed Spirits that spawn from the runes on the ground as well) to be more time efficient.
  • After Nhallish, you do the 2 Shadowmoon Dominator packs. Then, you go to one of the hardest pulls, which consists of 3 Corpse Spiders, 2 Plagued Bats, and 3 packs of Skitterlings. You want to send Fortifying Brew once this is grouped up and cleave off the target you are kicking. Use stuns and stops to cancel Plague Bat casts. As a Brewmaster Monk, you can also cast Tiger's Lust on anyone who gets the Plague Spit debuff to remove it.
  • After the big spider pull, you move onto the Carrion Worm + Bats pull. This pull is all about rotating your AoE CC's late into the Plague Spit casts to catch as many as you can. They do not re-cast on CC. I try to send my Diffuse Magic on this pull since the worm’s Fetid Spit does a lot of damage.
  • Boss 3: Not much to say here, just stay close to the boss after the very first Submerge since it shrinks his hitbox substantially.
  • After boss 3, it is the same pull as the big spider pull just on a smaller scale: 1 melee kick on each spider and CC's on bats.
  • Void Spawn Pull: This pull is the scariest one, you want to lust here and focus one down to make it easier. Send defensives early unless your healer tells you otherwise. Sending 1 defensive on pull and then 1 if you are not topped is ideal. This pull is all about being topped for each Void Pulse.
  • Boss 4: This boss is simple. When the adds spawn, just tank the boss near the wall but drag it slightly ahead so the Malevolence can be baited towards the add instead of where you are trying to back up.

See the Mythic+ Route in Action:


Dungeon Run: Temple of the Jade Serpent +26
Team: Aimoki, Lërne, Junkratxd, Twicks, Ympzz

Bloodlust Timings: 1st pull, Strife and Peril, Last pull.

In lieu of player notes about this route, please check out the video below to see the strategy play out in action!

See the Mythic+ Route in Action:


Dungeon Run: The Azure Vault +26
Team: Equinoxmonk, Dxm, Laflame, Layeesha, Shantiana

Bloodlust Timings: 1st pull, 2nd ring pull, Drakonid Breaker on staircase, Umbrelskul.

We had the privilege of speaking to Equinoxmonk for some insights into his team’s Mythic+ route. Here’s what he had to share:

  • We always lust pull 1. I pull the right side of Conjured Lashers first then tag the Shrieking Whelp and let its alarm go off to activate the other mobs in the middle. We have 1 person each kick the 3 right Lashers and I kick/CC the 3 left Lashers. After the kicks are finished we start sending single-target and some AoE CC's on the Crystal Furies’ Piercing Shards casts. If these go through just rotate big defensives. These pulls are all about coordinated CC.
  • For pull 2, I have my team stay in the first room and I put a Transcendence at the door. I run in and tag g5, g6, g7, kick the Arcane Tender then Transcendence: Transfer back. We line-of-sight all of these casts, then once they are in, we have 1 melee kick on the Arcane Tender and me + the other DPS players assigned to kick the little ones. If there are ever 3 casts at once or we are out of kicks, then we will send AoE CC's late into the casts to catch as many as possible. We usually do Leg Sweep - Incapacitating Roar (from Druid) - Ring of Peace - Single Target CC's.
  • Pull 3: The best way I've found to do this is to run to the center of the boss room without pulling any Arcane tenders yet. Chi Wave the right side, then Crackling Jade Lightning on the other 2 as fast as possible. This syncs up their Wild Eruption cast so you have way less time moving the mobs and more time just planting and DPSing. Each Arcane Tender requires 1 melee kick or 2 ranged kicks.
  • The first boss sucks as Brewmaster Monk. On the Infused Strike, you want to rotate between Diffuse Magic - Dampen Harm - Diffuse Magic - Zen Mediation, and then use Celestial Brew to fill any gaps where you feel in danger. I usually Celestial Brew after the tree explosion so that I'm not low on health when the Consuming Stomp goes out. Ring of Peace will cancel the Sappy Burst casts from the adds completely so, if you need the room to aim the frontal at the trees, then use this trick.
  • Pull 4 is the same as pull 1 except with a Thrasher instead of Lashers. Rotate CC's and defensives as needed, and prioritize using CC's when Piercing Shards casts during the Arcane Fury buff.
  • Pull 5 has 6 casters. You want to prioritize kicks on Arcane Bolt and Icy Bindings. You want to use AoE CC's on Waking Bane since it has a longer CD and does not recast. Once kicks/cc's are expended, rotate defensives starting with Diffuse Magic (since this pull is primarily magic damage) then Celestial Brew - Black Ox Brew. You want to try to save Dampen Harm and Fortifying Brew for the next pull.
  • After pull 5, jump down to the 2nd boss’ area with a slow fall effect or Stylish Black Parasol toy. You can also just Tiger’s Lust + Roll and you will land on the raised doorway instead of the floor and take less fall damage. Take the book back to the 2nd ring, and then start grouping up the mobs. This pull includes the same Arcane Elementals and Rune Seal Keeper on top of Arcane Constructs. We usually lust this pull since it's quite dangerous. Try to dodge the Arcane Bash one way then go back the other way so you don't end up going in a circle and you just end up facing it 1 direction the entire time. This makes it easier/safer for your melee DPS players.
  • Pulls 7-9: Now we go to the 2nd boss’ room. This room is easy on the kick requirements and is all about your defensive rotation as a tank. You want to pull the Scalebane Lieutenant when you have the majority of your defensives. Save your defensives for Spellfrost Breath. I prioritize Diffuse + Celestial Brew then I outrange the 2nd one, then I Dampen Harm + Celestial Brew, outrange the 4th one, etc. I always CD + Celestial Brew then outrange one to make it easy and controlled.
  • Azureblade: This boss isn't too bad as Brew. Roll or use a defensive for each Arcane Cleave and use your Ring of Peace to cancel any far add casts when no one is in range to kick. I prioritize Diffuse - Celestial Brew - Dampen - Zen Meditation for defensives on this boss.
  • Pulls 11-13: These pulls are the hardest for Brew. You want to use Fortifying Brew immediately in the first room once it's all grouped and you will possibly get Fortifying Brew up again on pull 13. Your Leg Sweep should be used to keep the Hornswogs grouped by cancelling their Null Stomp casts; this will speed up these pulls quite a bit. After each Drakonid Breaker dies, you want to immediately go and pull the next one. The Drakonid Breaker is the most dangerous mob of these packs, so you want it to be the focus before you go into the next pull. I generally prioritize Fortifying Brew > Celestial Brew into Black Ox Brew > Dampen for my defensives. My last resort defensive is Ring of Peace to reset Stagger. As a DPS, these pulls get very dangerous if the Drakonid Breaker picks you multiple times. If you have the option, you can Vanish/Shadowmeld the Shoulder Slam from the Drakonid Breaker after its cast goes off to stop yourself from getting hit and resetting its CD.
  • Boss 3: Nothing special here. Just be careful of the overlap of Frost Bomb into Absolute Zero; save health potions/defensives for these overlaps. You can tell by watching the boss’ energy; if you have Frost Bomb and she's almost at 100 energy you know she's going to Absolute Zero right out of it.
  • Boss 4: This boss is all about defensive rotating and positioning him along the edge to influence crystal spawns. If you tank him high up the wall, he will spawn them more grouped and closer. Each Arcane Eruption you want to move the boss along the wall to give your group the most room to work with. Defensively I like to do Diffuse Magic into Celestial Brew - Black Ox Brew - Celestial Brew again - Dampen - Celestial Brew - Zen Med - Celestial Brew - Black ox Brew - Celestial Brew - Diffuse. Rinse and repeat this with any defensives to fill the gap (Fortifying Brew/Zen Meditation). If you Touch of Death the hardened crystal on set 1, you get another Touch of Death for set 3 too.

See the Mythic+ Route in Action:


Dungeon Run: The Nokhud Offensive +27
Team: Nerf, Ellesmere, Azunaz, Evne, Hypeboy

Bloodlust Timings: 1st pull, Primalist Thunderbeast, Double pull in Cemetery (G27 + G29), Balakar Khan.

We had the privilege of speaking to Nerf for some insights into his team’s Mythic+ route. Here’s what he had to share:

See the Mythic+ Route in Action:


About the Authors

VitaminP (VP) is the Content Manager of Raider.IO and has worked for the organization since the formation of the News Section in November 2018. Although VP is currently focused on pursuing her Masters of Business Administration, she specializes in tanking classes and has loved doing competitive Mythic+ on and off since early Legion.

Biggerfish is a recovering Boomkin who has played WoW for 14 years and has been an avid Mythic+ player since it released in Legion. He mostly tanks, and can be found on most weeknights in the NA Group Finder bricking your keys.