3/9 H
Awakened Amirdrassil
9/9 N
Awakened Amirdrassil
8/9 H
Awakened Aberrus

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 hours ago

About Mythica

First and foremost we are a relaxed, casual, inclusive guild. We do not rage when not successful. This is a game and should be a stress sink, not source. If at any time for any reason we're not having a good time, we'll call it for the night and try again next week.

Currently one group runs Saturday 6-9 and a second group runs Tuesday 4-7 server time. These are separate lockouts.

We are casual with respect to time committed. Most of us are working adults with families. There are no penalties for missing raid, arriving late, or leaving early. Be there for whatever part you can.

Our goal is Ahead of the Curve: clearing the raid on heroic by the end of the season. We achieved it in Season 1 and intend to repeat in Season 2. We are also patient, and doing it as fast as possible is not the goal. The season will likely last several months so there's no point in rushing. We do not aspire to mythic because of the fixed raid size and the need to maintain a rigid roster and potentially bench people.

With the limited time this group does raid, focused is a better descriptor than serious. Banter during trash and farm bosses makes for a fun atmosphere, but reserve voice coms for explanations, strategy adjustments, and call-outs before and during progression fights.

Play a class you enjoy. Differences between class potential is irrelevant short of mythic raiding. Switching to an off-spec to help with role balance when necessary is appreciated but not required. The occasional pug or two won't kill us.

Raid requirements will be adjusted as we progress through normal and heroic. Check the guild calendar event to see what they are. For the first few weeks it will be ilvl based and eventually changed to performance-based, such as the minimum throughput needed to meet dps/heal checks on current progression bosses.

On this topic, our goal is that everyone who wants to raid, can. If you are a newer character and need help gearing, we can assist. If performance is the issue, I'd rather use coaching to bring you in line with the rest of the raiders than bench permanently. Drop a note in the “the-classroom” channel or message me directly if you’d like help.

Loot is simple: if you participated in the kill and would equip the item, roll need. It would be courteous to defer sidegrades or offspec rolls to other raiders who need for main spec, but this is not required. BoE drops will be rolled on by those who would use it, otherwise an officer will sell on the AH and deposit funds to the guild bank.

The guild will provide consumables; please make use of them! Officers will place feasts and guild repairs have a generous limit for the near future. In return, we ask that you enchant your gear and generally be “raid ready”.

We also have groups running m+ dungeons daily.

Last updated 51 weeks ago
About Mythica

First and foremost we are a relaxed, casual, inclusive guild. We do not rage when not successful. This is a game and should be a stress sink, not source. If at any time for any reason we're not having a good time, we'll call it for the night and try again next week.

Currently one group runs Saturday 6-9 and a second group runs Tuesday 4-7 server time. These are separate lockouts.

We are casual with respect to time committed. Most of us are working adults with families. There are no penalties for missing raid, arriving late, or leaving early. Be there for whatever part you can.

Our goal is Ahead of the Curve: clearing the raid on heroic by the end of the season. We achieved it in Season 1 and intend to repeat in Season 2. We are also patient, and doing it as fast as possible is not the goal. The season will likely last several months so there's no point in rushing. We do not aspire to mythic because of the fixed raid size and the need to maintain a rigid roster and potentially bench people.

With the limited time this group does raid, focused is a better descriptor than serious. Banter during trash and farm bosses makes for a fun atmosphere, but reserve voice coms for explanations, strategy adjustments, and call-outs before and during progression fights.

Play a class you enjoy. Differences between class potential is irrelevant short of mythic raiding. Switching to an off-spec to help with role balance when necessary is appreciated but not required. The occasional pug or two won't kill us.

Raid requirements will be adjusted as we progress through normal and heroic. Check the guild calendar event to see what they are. For the first few weeks it will be ilvl based and eventually changed to performance-based, such as the minimum throughput needed to meet dps/heal checks on current progression bosses.

On this topic, our goal is that everyone who wants to raid, can. If you are a newer character and need help gearing, we can assist. If performance is the issue, I'd rather use coaching to bring you in line with the rest of the raiders than bench permanently. Drop a note in the “the-classroom” channel or message me directly if you’d like help.

Loot is simple: if you participated in the kill and would equip the item, roll need. It would be courteous to defer sidegrades or offspec rolls to other raiders who need for main spec, but this is not required. BoE drops will be rolled on by those who would use it, otherwise an officer will sell on the AH and deposit funds to the guild bank.

The guild will provide consumables; please make use of them! Officers will place feasts and guild repairs have a generous limit for the near future. In return, we ask that you enchant your gear and generally be “raid ready”.

We also have groups running m+ dungeons daily.

Last updated 51 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Awakened Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
(H) World
(H) Region
(H) Realm
Heroic3/9 H9,6854,596735,6392,63055
Normal9/9 N4,0372,368482,0771,21534
Awakened Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
(H) World
(H) Region
(H) Realm
Heroic8/9 H8,5273,999625,0842,34546
Normal9/9 N6,0693,255653,4101,79046
Awakened Vault of the Incarnates
(H) World
(H) Region
(H) Realm
Heroic5/8 H9,1864,295675,4042,50249
Normal8/8 N6,2993,196583,7801,86443
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
Heroic9/9 H10,3494,76675
Normal9/9 N12,3215,768102
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Heroic9/9 H11,6995,59694
Normal9/9 N13,0026,097102
Vault of the Incarnates
(H) World
(H) Region
(H) Realm
Heroic8/8 H12,5705,822798,2133,66358
Normal8/8 N16,7617,53211710,8304,70186
RealmID: 487
GroupID: 1784163
GuildID: 1794803

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 hours ago