
Orc Enhancement Shaman

Best Mythic+ Score
DF Season 3
1/9 H
Awakened Aberrus
Last scanned 5 days ago
Logged out 3 weeks ago
About Quam (Alt of Torhem)

Da Orc shaman from Orgrimmar, a wielder of enchantments and master of da elements. Let me weave a tale of dis mighty shaman.

Quam be a strong and proud Orc, born from da fiery heart of Orgrimmar. From a young age, he be showin' a natural affinity for da elements. Da spirits be whisperin' to him, guidin' his steps on da path of shamanism.

As he grow, he be trainin' under da watchful eyes of experienced shamans, learnin' to harness da power of fire, water, earth, and air. But it be da art of enchantments dat truly be captivatin' his spirit. Wielding two one-handed axes, he be imbuing 'em with mystical energies, infusin' 'em with da power to strike down his enemies.

In battles, Quam be a force to be reckoned with. He be callin' upon da spirits of fire to unleash searin' flames upon his foes, burnin' 'em to ashes. Water be his ally, healin' his wounds and refreshin' his allies with rejuvenatin' waves. Earth be his foundation, grantin' him strength and resilience, makin' him sturdy in da face of adversity. And air, oh dey be dancin' at his command, swirlin' around him, shieldin' him from harm.

But it be more than just da elements dat be guidin' Him. He be a champion of his people, fightin' for da Horde and protectin' Orgrimmar from any threats dat be risin'. His axes be swingin', his enchantments be singin', and his spirit be fierce as he charge into battle.

Quam be known for his wisdom and connection to da spirits. Orcs from far and wide seek his counsel, for he be havin' a deep understandin' of balance and harmony. He be walkin' da line between da physical and da spiritual, bridgin' da mortal realm and da realm of da elements.

In Orgrimmar, He be respected and admired. His presence be bringin' hope and strength to his people, instillin' da spirit of unity and resilience in their hearts. He be a beacon of hope, remindin' everyone dat even in da harshest of times, da elements be with 'em, lendin' their power to da Horde.

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Equipped Item Level
487.312 Item Level
4 Set Pieces (T31)
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Awakened Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Heroic1/9 H
Normal9/9 N

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The Nokhud OffensiveThe Nokhud Offensive
Uldaman: Legacy of TyrUldaman: Legacy of Tyr
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Algeth'ar AcademyAAAlgeth'ar Academy
Brackenhide HollowBHBrackenhide Hollow
Halls of InfusionHOIHalls of Infusion
Ruby Life PoolsRLPRuby Life Pools
The Azure VaultAVThe Azure Vault
The Nokhud OffensiveNOThe Nokhud Offensive
Uldaman: Legacy of TyrULDUldaman: Legacy of Tyr
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RealmID: 739
CharacterID: 13698953
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