
The Weekly Route: Tyrannical, Storming, Raging

The Weekly Route Series showcases Mythic+ strategies that are tailored towards Beginner and Intermediate levels of Mythic+ with the following criteria in mind:

  • Easy to execute - particularly in pick-up-groups (PUGs)
  • Good tradeoffs between skipping the most difficult enemy forces while not requiring overly complicated strategies or “tech” to do so

This week, the affixes are Tyrannical, Storming, and Raging.
If you need a refresher on the affixes, be sure to check out our affixes guide!

Do you have a tip or trick to add to our Weekly Route series? Did you discover the next big skip for a RIO Snapshot video? We want to hear about it! Find us on Twitter or join us in Discord to provide feedback.

Read on to import our Weekly Routes with pull-specific notes, tips, and recommended Bloodlust Timings!

Table of Contents

Weekly Mythic+ Routes


Tyrannical, Storming, Raging



Prioritize these mobs when removing Raging:

Keep Storming in mind when positioning for the following boss abilities: Overgrown Ancient’s Germinate, Crawth’s Roving Cyclones, Vexamus’s Arcane Fissure, and Echo of Doragosa’s Power Vacuum.

Pay special attention to the Unruly Textbook’s Monotonous Lecture, as this can stun your healer and wipe your group!

The Arcane Forager and Arcane Ravager mobs on the way to Vexamus can be both unruly and a little scary, especially this week with Raging. Learn how to handle these slippery eels with this quick and easy Raider.IO Snapshot:


Prioritize these mobs when removing Raging:

Keep Storming in mind when positioning for the following boss abilities: Leymor’s Erupting Fissure, Azureblade’s Ancient Orb, Telash Greywing’s Absolute Zero, and Umbrelskul’s Crackling Vortex. Try to fight as much trash as you can in the middle of the rings so Storming doesn’t catch you off guard and throw you off the edge or into dangerous knockbacks like Arcane Construct’s Arcane Bash.


Bloodlust Timings: First pull, on cooldown, Gutshot, and Decatriarch Wratheye

Prioritize these mobs when removing Raging:

Keep Storming in mind when positioning for the following notable trash abilities: Stinkbreath’s Violent Whirlwind, Bonebolt Hunter’s Toxic Trap, Bracken Warscourge’s Ragestorm, and Wilted Oak’s Stomp. Try to fight as much trash as you can in open spaces so Storming doesn’t catch you off guard and knock you off the bridges after Treemouth or Gutshot.


Prioritize these mobs when removing Raging:

Keep Storming in mind when positioning for the following notable trash abilities: Primalist Geomancer’s Seismic Slam, Flamecaller Aymi’s Molten Subduction, and Squallbringer Cyraz’s Gale Force Charge. Try to move in advance for boss mechanics so Storming doesn’t catch you off guard in dangerous ground effects like Khajin the Unyielding’s Glacial Surge, Infuser Sariya’s Flash Floods, and Primal Tsunami’s Crashing Tsunami.

If you find yourself struggling with dodging the waves through the gauntlet up to Infuser Sariya, try this handy line of sight trick:


Prioritize these mobs when removing Raging:

Keep Storming in mind when positioning for the following boss abilities: Magmatusk’s Lava Spray, Chargath, Bane of Scales’s Magma Wave, Forgemaster Gorek’s Blazing Aegis, and Warlord Sargha’s The Dragon’s Kiln.

On the way to Chargath, you’ll find several interactable Burning Chains. You can learn how to utilize these chains to speed up your run in our RIO Snapshot below:

On Forgemaster Gorek, positioning for the Blazing Aegis is key, as shown in our RIO Snapshot video:


Prioritize these mobs when removing Raging:

Keep Storming in mind when positioning for the following boss abilities: Granyth’s Tectonic Stomp, The Raging Tempest’s Electrical Overload, Teera and Maruuk’s Earthsplitter/Gale Arrow, and Balakar Khan’s Iron Spear/Iron Stampede.


Prioritize these mobs when removing Raging:

Keep Storming in mind when positioning for the following notable trash abilities: Primal Juggernaut’s Crushing Smash, Defier Draghar’s Blazing Rush, and Blazebound Destroyer’s Inferno. Try to fight as much trash as you can in open spaces so Storming doesn’t catch you off guard and knock you over the edge between Kokia Blazehoof and Kyrakka.

Some groups utilize an invisibility potion as a pre-potion before they start the key in order to skip the first Primal Juggernaut. The idea is to do a larger and riskier first pull with Bloodlust. This strategy may become more popular as the season progresses. The downside of skipping this first Primal Juggernaut is that if anyone dies, players must use another invisibility potion to rejoin the group.

Depending on the Fortified or Tyrannical, each route may or may not include Thunderhead or Flamegullet. There are several ways to walk past these two mini bosses however always keep in mind their landing spots and where they are in their patrol pattern:

Here is an excellent Kyrakka weakaura that will show you the next direction fire pools will move during the fight. If you are looking at the boss towards the ledge with the room’s entrance behind you, the arrows will tell you the next direction the winds will push the flame puddles. Try it out and let me know what you think!


To find Uldaman, take the portal to The Badlands in Valdrakken, shown on the map below:

Prioritize these mobs when removing Raging:

Keep Storming in mind when positioning for the following boss abilities: The Lost Dwarves’s Longboat Raid, Bromach’s Thundering Slam, Sentinel Talondras’s Resonating Orb, Emberon’s intermission and Chrono-Lord Deios’s Sand Breath.

After Emberon, you can utilize a wall hug skip to avoid a painful Ebonstone Golem. No special tricks or abilities are required – all you need to do is walk your character into the wall and slowly inch your way towards the other side of the room. This skip is marked with a gold exclamation point (!) on our route. Check out this clip to see the skip in action:


About the Author

Bunten is an accountant by day and gamer by night. She has been playing WoW since 2005 and has attended every BlizzCon since 2007; she began streaming on Twitch in June 2021. Bunten enjoys Mythic raiding and doing Mythic+. Be safe, be kind, and make good choices 💖!
