Recent Updates with tag "castle-nathria"

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Covenant Representation in Mythic Castle Nathria

We take a look at the numbers for Covenant representation on each boss of the Mythic raid.

Post-RWF Perspectives: The Casters

Find out what casting the RWF is like straight from the source! We interviewed casters from the top RWF events around the world to bring you the info from behind the scenes!

The Emergency Room: Healing in the RWF

Hear from the pros about what it's like to be a healer during Race to World First progression!

RWF: How "Secret Strats" Are Making a Resurgence in Castle Nathria

With Complexity-Limit's surprise off-stream boss kill followed by a delayed release of the vod, have the old-school ways of secret strats made a brief return in the Castle Nathria RWF?

Official Raider.IO RWF Event Guide: Castle Nathria Edition

Everything you need to know about all of the Race to World First Events going on around the world for Castle Nathria!

Where Are They Now? MDI Players in the RWF

Curious what your favourite Mythic + players get up to when there's no MDI? Many of them raid in the Race to World First! Find out more here!

Meaningful Choices: RWF Preparations

The RWF is almost upon us and so we checked in with three top guilds to find out how their preparations have been going and what the impact of Covenants, Conduits and similar systems has been so far.

RWF Player Perspectives: Heroic Castle Nathria Tuning

As Heroic week comes to a close, what are some of the top players thinking about its difficulty levels? We asked some RWF competitors to find out!

Legendary Items in the Nathria RWF: Complexity Limit, Pieces and BDGG Discuss

We talk to three top guilds about the effects of legendary items on the RWF, how certain decision will be made in relation to them, how high their importance is and more.

Sire Denathrius Heroic Survived 2 Days, Downed by Complexity Limit World First

Sire Denathrius has fallen on Heroic difficulty, lasting 2 days and being taken out by Complexity Limit World First.

RWF: The 21st Raider

Learn about the origins and evolution of the 21st Raider, and how it may be used as a strategy during the RWF!

Gold, Guilds, and Glory: The Cost of the RWF

Starym interviews three top guilds to get their insights on the costs involved for competing in the RWF

RWF: What is Split Running?

Hulahoops delves into Split Running and how it's utilized by top guilds to maximize the gearing process for the RWF

Blizzard's Unintended Esport: The History of the RWF Event

Hulahoops takes us through a Brief History of the RWF event and what we can expect to see in Castle Nathria

Announcing Raider.IO Global Coverage of the Castle Nathria Race to World First (RWF)

Raider.IO is thrilled to announce our live Global Coverage of the Race to World First, Castle Nathria!

/Cast Pandemic: How Covid-19 Will Affect the Race to World First

Hulahoops takes a look at what the Race to World First of Castle Nathria is expected to look like amidst the Covid-19 pandemic

Exorsus Interview: Does Castle Nathria Require a Blue Team?

Starym chats with Exorsus Guild Master, Alveona, about their well-noted faction swap to Alliance after 10 years as Horde. Was this decision due to boss mechanics in Castle Nathria or is there more to it?

Blessing or Curse? How do the Top Guilds REALLY Feel about the RWF Launch Date?

Quick interview with some of the top guilds from every region on the implications of a December 15th Race to World First for Castle Nathria

Shadowlands ANNOUNCED: Season 1 and Raid Release Dates

We finally have the Shadowlands release date, as well as the start of Season 1!

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