1/8 М
Визволення Андермайдану
7/8 Г
Визволення Андермайдану
4/8 М
Палац Неруб'ар

Важливо: щоб мати точний запис про те, як ви вперше вбили боса рейду, ви повинні поставити свою гільдію в чергу на оновлення перед тим, як вбити цього боса вдруге.

Останнє сканування: 15 hours назад.

Про Blackwater
Blackwater is a cross realm/faction guild based on Tichondrius

Goals: Create an environment of like-minded individuals that enjoy each other’s company to casually progress through raid content from normal to mythic. Focus on keeping a healthy roster and a fun, drama free experience. Team first mentality and take the progression time serious by being knowledgeable about the fights, your class, and not wasting anyone’s time. Have humility and a sense of ownership over your own mistakes.

Raid Times: Thur 7pm-10pm PST(10:00pm-01:00am EST)

Current raid team needs: > Tanks: None > Healers: Low > DPS: Will consider all dps applicants at any time!

Application: (less than 2 mins, Expect a reply in under 48hrs) (( )) or dm Recruiter on discord

Expectations: Ability to prove past performance. (Warcraft logs) knowledge of their spec/class. Preparedness for every raid. Communication with the team via Discord. (Working mic) Respect towards members and leaders of the community!

               **Guild Contacts:**  Discord: Scottdell or Kevdell

Останнє оновлення 2 days назад.
Швидкий погляд

Магістр Гільдії: Lambgoat

Офіцери!: Aimpoggers, Fatherrdell, Lurri, Peepohuhh, Stubaloo

Про Blackwater
Blackwater is a cross realm/faction guild based on Tichondrius

Goals: Create an environment of like-minded individuals that enjoy each other’s company to casually progress through raid content from normal to mythic. Focus on keeping a healthy roster and a fun, drama free experience. Team first mentality and take the progression time serious by being knowledgeable about the fights, your class, and not wasting anyone’s time. Have humility and a sense of ownership over your own mistakes.

Raid Times: Thur 7pm-10pm PST(10:00pm-01:00am EST)

Current raid team needs: > Tanks: None > Healers: Low > DPS: Will consider all dps applicants at any time!

Application: (less than 2 mins, Expect a reply in under 48hrs) (( )) or dm Recruiter on discord

Expectations: Ability to prove past performance. (Warcraft logs) knowledge of their spec/class. Preparedness for every raid. Communication with the team via Discord. (Working mic) Respect towards members and leaders of the community!

               **Guild Contacts:**  Discord: Scottdell or Kevdell

Останнє оновлення 2 days назад.
Швидкий погляд

Магістр Гільдії: Lambgoat

Офіцери!: Aimpoggers, Fatherrdell, Lurri, Peepohuhh, Stubaloo

Рейдовий прогрес

Визволення Андермайдану
Міфічна1/8 М2,25891665
Героїчна7/8 Г3,3801,40585
Звичайна8/8 З5,1572,578124
Палац Неруб'ар
Міфічна4/8 М5,1912,018131
Героїчна8/8 Г10,8644,897249
Звичайна8/8 З18,4318,784370
RealmID 468
GroupID 2989
GuildID 368461

Важливо: щоб мати точний запис про те, як ви вперше вбили боса рейду, ви повинні поставити свою гільдію в чергу на оновлення перед тим, як вбити цього боса вдруге.

Останнє сканування: 15 hours назад.