Mythic+ Keystone Builders - Event and Team Preview!

This has been a busy year for World of Warcraft Esports — especially competitive dungeon-running. We’ve seen two full MDI seasons with more teams participating than ever before. We’ve had an MDI One-Off with a second on its way, and new formats and styles have been introduced to dungeon esports...but we’re not done yet! In one week, the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament (KSB) returns.

KSB is a unique approach to competitive dungeon-running that takes place on live servers. This tournament was first conceived by Ferris at the beginning of this year, and was brought to life in partnership with the Oasis community organization when Ferris joined them as a PVE Leader. The first KSB event took place earlier this year in May with great success. For the second iteration, Oasis is partnering with Raider.IO and Twitch to bring you an even bigger and better tournament!

The event will be taking place on December 3-5 on the Oasis Twitch Channel, and you won’t want to miss it. Read on for a breakdown of how the competition works, and an introduction to the participating teams! You can also read more about the Oasis community organization from our community spotlight article on them here.

Table of Contents

Tournament Details

How it Works

The Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament is premised exactly around its name: building up a keystone. Teams of five players start out with one +2 keystone, and sequentially push the keystone as high as they can in their runtime by running each resulting keystone. Each team has a total of two hours to push their keys - with the timer only running while each dungeon is in progress. Each of these dungeons is run with the intention of earning the maximum number of points towards a team’s total. Teams accrue points in dungeons by completing a greater number of keys, completing higher keys, and by achieving greater success in keystones.

How Teams Signed Up

The signups were posted publicly and made available to all players, with teams approved on a first-come-first-serve basis. One player from each team was required to fill out the initial registration for the tournament, then select a time slot for their team’s run. All of the spots have been filled for this upcoming KSB, but make sure you keep your eyes on the Oasis Twitter for future events!

Prize Pool

KSB is a community event through and through. It is brought to you by the respected community organization Oasis, and it is designed to be accessible to players of all levels. KSB is a great way for players that are new to competitive dungeon-running to get their feet wet. Support for the tournament is also community-driven, as the prize pool is funded entirely by generous donations!

The prize pool will be divided among the top three scoring teams from the event, with the first place team earning 40%, the second place team earning 30%, and the third place team earning 20%. The final 10% of the prize pool will be distributed among the talent (casters and hosts) as a token of appreciation!

Donations towards the prize pool will be accepted until the very end of the tournament on December 5th, so if you would like the opportunity to support this fantastic community event, you can find all the info and a donation link at Matcherino here.

The Teams

The best part about KSB is that it takes place on live servers, and is a much more accessible competition than the MDI, Keystone Masters, or other events along that vein. Anybody can take part in KSB and, for many teams, it is their first foray into competitive dungeon-running. As a result, many of the teams participating are new to the Mythic+ tournament scene, but they are eager and excited to battle it out for the title of KSB champion!

We’ve compiled some info on each of the 10 teams participating, so without further ado, here is your official KSB lineup!

Renewal Gaming Gold

Player NameRoleLinks

Q1: Introduce your team!

We are Renewal Gaming Gold, one of two teams representing Renewal Gaming in this tournament. We are all from the same guild/community, and have been raiding and running keys together for a few months. We also play other games that increase our synergy and communication. We are a team of like-minded players that love to roast each other in good fun and enjoy the time we play together. When push comes to shove, we focus up and do what we have to do, if it's to time a high key, nail a larger than life pull, or come up with the perfect burn on one another.

Q2: Why did you decide to sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament?

We decided to sign up for the Tournament because our team leader Housedoctor competed in the inaugural Keystone Builders Tournament and had an absolute blast! His team Renewal Gaming last season tied for 2nd place and decided to come back with a vengeance!

Q3: What are your goals for KSB? Are you here to win or just for the experience and fun of competitive Mythic+?

Our current goals for the Keystone Builders Tournament is to put on a good show for all of those watching and have a fun time! We love to see a unique community event like this! Shoutout to Ferris for putting in the work to provide us with an opportunity to participate in a competitive scenario! We want to have fun while putting our best effort in, and hopefully we come out with the win!

Q4: What kind of preparation is your team doing for the event?

Some of the preparations we are doing for the Keystone Builders Tournament are going over routes as a team, and opening up discussion to all team members. Since we run a lot of keys together, we have an understanding of the assignments each of us have in every situation and scenario. Communication and consistency is going to be our golden ticket.

Q5: What is your team’s experience in competitive Mythic+?

Our team leader Housedoctor has competed in other community events such as the Weekly Disappointment Invitational, the ASC four-man tournament, and the inaugural Keystone Builders Tournament with our teammate Zaruh. We’re hoping that bit of experience will help us do well in the tournament. The rest of the team is made up of avid key runners who are accustomed to the pressure of keys.

Q6: What are you most looking forward to about this event?

What we are looking forward to the most is being able to support an amazing event and be a part of its past, present, and future. It's important to have community events that are accessible to everyone and we’re happy to be one of the lucky teams competing, as we do not have a competitive Mythic+ track record.

Q7: If your team had an entrance/walk-on song, what would it be?

Catgirl Bathwater

Player NameRoleLinks

Q1: Introduce your team!

Catgirl Bathwater (CGBW) is made up of friends who met via the Titanforged Podcast Discord. Anastasia, Brewseph, Mortia, and Phargro all started playing together during the Battle for Azeroth Season 4 and Postseason. This crew would be the ones to form Catgirl Bathwater for the first Keystone Builders Tournament in Shadowlands Season 1. When forming the team and trying to find a name, Brewseph was joking about how we should have a relevant meme in the name. Therefore, Anastasia suggested the name Catgirl Bathwater, as selling bathwater was the big meme at the time. Since then, Anastasia, Phargro, and Mortia have gone on to form the guild HGC where they brought in Sumzero as one of their members from the Titanforged Podcast Discord as well.

Q2: Why did you decide to sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament?

CGBW participated in the first KSB tournament. We really enjoyed the tournament format, especially with the changes implemented for the second tournament, and we wanted to play again.

Q3: What are your goals for KSB? Are you here to win or just for the experience and fun of competitive Mythic+?

We are just looking to game with our friends and prompt Kexman for more of his incredible one liners.

OH! And win our friendly wager with our friends in Renewal Gaming :)

Q4: What kind of preparation is your team doing for the event?

We’ve been preparing multiple covenants for covenant swapping as needed, planning routes, making appropriate plans to deal with Necrotic (i.e. what kind of CC do we have in our group to allow for stack resets? Can we play Kleia for resets? At what key level does Necrotic start to limit pulling capacity?)

Q5: What is your team’s experience in competitive Mythic+?

CGBW tied for second place in the first KSB tournament. All members of our team have done higher Mythic+ at some point from Legion to Shadowlands, albeit not extremely high levels of key pushing.

Q6: What are you most looking forward to about this event?

As returning competitors, we are really excited to see how the format feels playing on Tormented instead of Prideful, which was a limiting factor for pulls in the previous iteration of KSB. We are also really excited to see what kind of group composition decisions teams make, along with what composition changes that returning competitors make for this tournament.

Q7: If your team had an entrance/walk-on song, what would it be?

Parallax Gaming

Player NameRoleLinks

Q1: Introduce your team!

Our team has actually never played as a full group in a Mythic+ environment before. However, some of us have played together in keys and all of us raid for Parallax Gaming. Our team came together with some of the Parallax raiders who were looking for something to get more involved in the community and compete.

Q2: Why did you decide to sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament?

We had a great first run in Season 1 with a few different players as well as current players that were out of their main roles. I think we’ve improved a lot since then and we wanted to test our skills again!

Q3: What are your goals for KSB? Are you here to win or just for the experience and fun of competitive Mythic+?

We are a competitive bunch and we love winning, but we had a great time last time around without taking first place. We definitely want to be a bit more competitive this go around and it looks like the other teams have some really strong competitors.

Q4: What kind of preparation is your team doing for the event?

We’ve put ZERO preparation into this. We just log on to raid Tuesdays/Thursdays, and pump.

Q5: What is your team’s experience in competitive Mythic+?

Our tank and healer push keys somewhat competitively. The rest of us just do keys in our off time and mostly at the beginning of tiers/for the Vault rewards.

Q6: What are you most looking forward to about this event?

We’re looking forward to seeing how far everyone is going to be able to push this event. Most importantly though, we’re looking forward to the new KSB format and how much it has improved this time around.

Q7: If your team had an entrance/walk-on song, what would it be?

Team Chili

Player NameRoleLinks

Q1: Introduce your team!

We are a blend of two dedicated Mythic+ teams that are mostly from the same guild on Argent Dawn. We’ve all been playing together for years, often “borrowing” players if either team misses a player for a day, and some of us have been playing together (not always in WoW) for almost a decade.

We aren’t overly focused on playing what is meta for each respective tier, and instead we just play the classes and specs we enjoy, and if it aligns with the balancing then that is great!

We’ve stubbornly remained Alliance against our better judgements, but we are lucky to have two consistent groups of players that ease the difficulties of the population squeeze. We are named after our Hunter’s pet, Chili, because he is the best boy, helping us time all our runs (He pulls, he tanks, he taunts, he heroes, dies for the cause, only reason we bring Ash to be honest).

Q2: Why did you decide to sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament?

We’ve thought it would be fun to play in a tournament for a while. However due to IRL commitments, signing up for multi-day tournaments such as the MDI is not very feasible. The shorter duration of this event was perfect for our collective schedules and we also had a fun idea for how we wanted to run our group comp for it!

Q3: What are your goals for KSB? Are you here to win or just for the experience and fun of competitive Mythic+?

We are definitely going to try to win! But mostly to have fun and participate for the experience.

Q4: What kind of preparation is your team doing for the event?

We will practice some keys a few days before the tournament with our specific comp, as it’s different from what we would play in our pushing keys. We’ve also been researching (stalking) the other teams to see who our competition is! Other than this, it’s mostly just been some minor number crunching to try to pre-plan what we think is feasible to achieve during the 2 hour window.

Q5: What is your team’s experience in competitive Mythic+?

Well, this will be our first tournament! But we are all experienced mythic plus players, with almost everyone trending towards the top of the Alliance leaderboards for their respective specs for multiple seasons. So we have definitely done our time inside the game mode, but I don’t think we will be joining Echo any time soon!

Q6: What are you most looking forward to about this event?

Seeing how well our plan for our group comp works out in a competitive environment!

Q7: If your team had an entrance/walk-on song, what would it be?

The Six

Player NameRoleLinks

Q1: Introduce your team!

Hello, We are The Six. We all met through Sixy, who streams free +15 carries. We all help him do his free carries and lately we’ve been doing 17-19 carries with no healer or with Sixy turning off his UI. A few of us have known each other for a long time and a few have only been around a few months but we all have been putting hours in lately with each other having fun.

Q2: Why did you decide to sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament?

Sixy had participated in this event before and said it was a lot of fun so we decided to put a quick team together and see what fun we could have.

Q3: What are your goals for KSB? Are you here to win or just for the experience and fun of competitive Mythic+?

We are just here to have a great time and push this meme comp as far as we can.

Q4: What kind of preparation is your team doing for the event?

In preparation we’ve been doing our free carries with higher and higher keys. We figure if we can carry a 17-18 consistently then a full coordinated group can be pushed higher!

Q5: What is your team’s experience in competitive Mythic+?

A few of us pushed a little in different expansions but nothing major. We’ve also got some experience in other competitive games and aspects of WoW but we’re relatively new to competitive Mythic+ so this should be fun.

Q6: What are you most looking forward to about this event?

We are most looking forward to having lots of laughs and a great time!

Q7: If your team had an entrance/walk-on song, what would it be?

Smell Ya

Player NameRoleLinks

Q1: Introduce your team!

A friend of ours was linked to discord when pugging for a key and stumbled upon a random discord that had the others in it, and ever since then, we have been playing together. We’ve been playing with each other for about a year; the story behind our team name was from us saying goodbye to each other.

Q2: Why did you decide to sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament?

The team captain Bittahhunter saw the sign up page on the homepage of Raider.IO and thought it would be a good idea. I thought it would be a great opportunity to show the world what we are capable of.

Q3: What are your goals for KSB? Are you here to win or just for the experience and fun of competitive Mythic+?

Our goal for the Keystone Builders Tournament is to see how we can do against some of the best in the world, and we are here to win.

Q4: What kind of preparation is your team doing for the event?

We are running keys regularly (high and low) to iron out the wrinkles in our routes and strategies to get the fastest time possible.

Q5: What is your team’s experience in competitive Mythic+?

We have absolutely no experience in competitive Mythic+.

Q6: What are you most looking forward to about this event?

We are excited to see how well we can perform against other teams in a competitive setting.

Q7: If your team had an entrance/walk-on song, what would it be?

Renewal Gaming Green

Player NameRoleLinks

Q1: Introduce your team!

We are one of the two teams representing the Renewal Gaming community in this tournament, and we also knew each other from the Azeroth Sales Community discord. We are all either part of Renewal Gaming or Efficient on Stormrage, so many of us have raided together as well.

Q2: Why did you decide to sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament?

Our team leader Apoc has been in the Oasis community discord for a while now, so this seemed like a good opportunity to join in on the activities happening over there.

Q3: What are your goals for KSB? Are you here to win or just for the experience and fun of competitive Mythic+?

Obviously WoW is a game so it is very important to have fun, but we’d also like to win the tournament.

Q4: What kind of preparation is your team doing for the event?

We spent time looking at different routes and just trying to find the most optimal way to pull different packs to quicken our times. Also:

source: Allen Iverson courtesy of TheSportMemes

Q5: What is your team’s experience in competitive Mythic+?

No Mythic+ tournaments, but we all have experience helping others in keys so we can use that experience and the sheer volume of keys we’ve done.

Q6: What are you most looking forward to about this event?

Being able to show what we can do, and to represent Renewal and the WoW community in general in a positive way.

Q7: If your team had an entrance/walk-on song, what would it be?

Warning: Explicit Language

Soul Eater

Player NameRoleLinks

Q1: Introduce your team!

During BFA, my girlfriend (the shaman) and I played together, and after a dungeon we saw a mage playing well, and we wrote to him. He in turn called his best friend on the Paladin, and Boris himself came to us.

Q2: Why did you decide to sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament?

It's a good experience, well, for regular players there is rarely something like this, especially when there are no "pros" competing, it becomes interesting.

Q3: What are your goals for KSB? Are you here to win or just for the experience and fun of competitive Mythic+?

We will try our best, and we will try to show everything we can!

Q4: What kind of preparation is your team doing for the event?

Actually, we just like keys, and we run 15-24s.

Q5: What is your team’s experience in competitive Mythic+?

We have no experience in competitive Mythic+.

Q6: What are you most looking forward to about this event?

The pleasure of playing and having fun.

Los Brositos

Player NameRoleLinks

Q1: Introduce your team!

We met at the end of BFA, where we did boosts in a Discord server, mainly Mythic+. As there were so many people the easiest and most comfortable way to do the boosts was to do them as a team. At that time we were strangers but over time we got to know each other and ended up playing together a lot for shadowlands because we all seemed to have a good level and comfortable and fun environment.

Mainly we just dedicated ourselves to Mythic+, but not at a high level for the moment, because we were just looking for enough IO score to provide a boost service in Mythic+ in different communities, although we will probably come back and take it more seriously and try a higher push. The team name really could be said that it was something random from our healer but it stayed like that because nobody came up with a better name.

Q2: Why did you decide to sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament?

Since the game is going through a moment where there is not much to do and we don't have so much motivation to push high, we were watching some tournaments of competitions from different communities so we wanted to try to pass the time and give a good level.

Q3: What are your goals for KSB? Are you here to win or just for the experience and fun of competitive Mythic+?

I think like any team we are looking to win it and come out on top and we will do our best to win, but we also hope to have a fun time.

Q4: What kind of preparation is your team doing for the event?

On the week of the tournament, we are gonna be running some keys to look at the routes and some strats for when the tournament goes live.

Q5: What is your team’s experience in competitive Mythic+?

The only experience that we had is participating in the tournament from the WoW Community Weekly Disappointment.

Q6: What are you most looking forward to about this event?

We expect to see our opponents give a good level and hope that there will be unique moments as well as moments of tension either in critical moments that can decide the tournament or moments that will surprise us all. We also look forward to hearing the casters that were announced.


Player NameRoleLinks

Q1: Introduce your team!

We are representing our guild SIGKILL on Stormrage Alliance, formed at the beginning of BFA and since then we’ve been a tight knit guild where some of our members have met up in real life! (this is good recruitment talk!) In terms of the team itself, we are a very freshly formed key group, in fact we’ve never attempted a key together as 5 until after we signed up for the tournament.

Q2: Why did you decide to sign up for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament?

Our healer loves to stalk people on Raider.IO and she came across the ad for joining the Keystone Builders Tournament. We were already in the process of forming a team for The Great Push at the time and decided that the Keystone Builder Tournament would be an exciting opportunity to build team chemistry and attempt something brand new for our guild.

Q3: What are your goals for KSB? Are you here to win or just for the experience and fun of competitive Mythic+?

As much as we would love to take the winner title home, this is our first experience in competitive Mythic+ so our main goal is to have fun and network with other key pushers, especially on Alliance since the player base for high M+ is small.

Q4: What kind of preparation is your team doing for the event?

We’ve been mainly focused on building our team chemistry by pushing Mythic+ keys together. Our plan is to dry-run the process of pushing a key up from +2 towards the end of Fortified weeks to mimic tournament conditions, and continuously iterate on where our routes + strategies could improve from there.

Some of us also play CoD: Warzone together to blow off frustration when we inevitably brick our keystones.

Q5: What is your team’s experience in competitive Mythic+?

None! This will be a brand new adventure for us.

Q6: What are you most looking forward to about this event?

We want to showcase our guild chemistry and be known as a fun guild with competitive M+ runners!

Q7: If your team had an entrance/walk-on song, what would it be?

The Sponsors

As mentioned above, we at Raider.IO have partnered with Oasis to assist them in bringing this event to the community. We are also extremely proud and grateful to announce that Twitch will be supporting the KSB as well!

In fact, the support doesn’t stop there. This event, and others like it, could not happen without the community’s help. If you’re interested in fostering the growth of KSB with us, you can contribute by:

  • Donating directly to the prize pool via the Matcherino link
  • Watching the stream on the Oasis Twitch Channel December 3-5
  • Promoting the event on social media by tweeting and retweeting about it!

Rallying behind these community initiatives has far-reaching impacts, as they will only make the game we love better.

Keep your eyes peeled for our preview of the phenomenal talent lineup of casters and hosts that you can expect to see during the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament!
